Anyone get any of the STON secret rares?

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Aegis of Gaia
Continuous Trap
Gain 3000 Life Points. If this face-up card is removed from the field, lose 3000 Life Points.

Got this today.

All I am missing from the actual "Original" STON is Reign-Beaux, and this after buying 2 Boxes.... Although, I could always steal my Son's... :-: :D
Seems Reign-Beaux is the hardest of the Ultras to find...

Is anyone able to provide scans of these Secret Rares?
And here's an email I just got...

Hi I was wondering if the news I have been hearing about the Strike of Neos
Secret rares is true or not, does U.S. have these cards and if so are they

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin
Meltiel, Sage of the Sky
Harvest Angel of Wisdom
Freya, Spirit of Victory
Nova Summoner
Radiant Jeral
Aegis of Gaia

were these cards released?



It is true. Secret rares have returned and Strike of Neos includes 9 of them.
They are included in the set and became tournament legal for premier events on
March 1, 2007.

Curtis Schultz
Official UDE Destiny Hero - Rules Dude
djp952 said:
Mind if I borrow that to incorporate into a image? It's plenty big enough for me to work with :D
I did it with you in mind djp952!! lol Feel free to erase the non-pertinent info if you must!! ;)
I just pulled a Nova Summoner from a couple of packs I bought last night. The shop owner just got the boosters in and look what I found! Also pulled an ultimate Birthright and Ultra Reign-Overlord. Lucky or what?
Out of 4 boxes I pulled three secret rares. Two in one pack!

Meltiel, Sage of the Sky
Freya, Spirit of Victory

I believe.

Still no Reign-Beaux though...
A Harvest would be great for my main deck, if anybody gets one I'd be awesome if they'd trade it =3. Otherwise, I'll have to conjour up some money that I don't have to buys packs that don't likely contain it =X.
last sunday i bought two boxes.
1st box
ultimate card trader
ultra e-hero grand neos
ultimate neo spacian ground mole
super air humming bird

second box
ultimate Reign-Beaux **best pull **
ultra e hero grand neos
secret freya,spirit of victory
super air humming bird
super darkworld dealings
i pulled about 6 or 7 cloak and dagger all rares that sucked
and 3 neo spacian ground moles in total
and all of this for $105
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