Anyone got Five-Headed Dragon?!?

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djp952 said:
I cheated. I have 2 FHDs now, both of which came from eBay. I couldn't fathom having to keep going to Wal-Mart :D

(Two more on the way, gotta have four!)
<counts on fingers and toes...>But that's 20-Head Dragon! :p
djp952 said:
The real trick is coming up with 20 dragons to Tribute!
actually ... isn't there a card in cdip called instant fusion??? i'm thinking it should help dragon fusion decks make a bit of a resurgance....5 head,king d, beud,dd
cuzwbd said:
actually ... isn't there a card in cdip called instant fusion??? i'm thinking it should help dragon fusion decks make a bit of a resurgance....5 head,king d, beud,dd
A superlative suggestion, sir, but with just two minor flaws. One, it only works for Fusion Monsters Level 5 or below. And two, it only works for Fusion Monsters Level 5 or below.

Now I realise that technically speaking that's only one flaw, but I thought that it was such an important one it was worth mentioning twice.
well the second flaw in that card is once the monster comes out it can't attack so y bring it out in the first place, unless ur bringing out thousand eyes which happens to be banned at the moment
Special Summon "Cyber Dragon", "Instant Fusion" x2, Tribute all 3 for "Gilford the Lightning"!...ftw!....;)

Then, if it's not turn....

Call and Premature the 2 Fusions (Baltar and Ryu if you were!
ricencracker said:
hey simon if u can pull that off on me and win with it i will give u all of my CARDS :gift

*whispers*from the digimon tcg
Crud...I just realized something..."Ryu Senshi" is level 6!..:( My combo has been thwarted!...noooooooooo!

I'll get you my Asian friend! And your little collection too!....mwaaaahahahahaa!
D.M.E.N. said:
I just saw it at For $30.
just so you know

Unless you have absolutely no other choice AVOID Toywiz.

Their customer service is amazing but their prices are ludicrous.
well the second flaw in that card is once the monster comes out it can't attack so y bring it out in the first place, unless ur bringing out thousand eyes which happens to be banned at the moment

Which is the EXACTLY the reason why TER got banned. Because of Instant Fusion (Along with Goat/MoF/combo) even 1x per fusion deck of TER was getting too broken for the poor sap. I mean, I would gladly pay 1000LP to get rid of 1 monster on the foe's field for a free Monarch tribute. (It's like Brain Control, but you can steal face-down, AND can attack with the Monarch during the same turn. And TER was properly summoned so Premature/CotH that thing back again...) Yeah, Dark Balter is the only real good thing for Instant Fusion, and it can't attack that turn. BUt it was properly fusion summoned so you can Premature/CotH Balter after that, but that's about it.
Sorry if I offended you Masterwoo. But I was born just out of the age of abbreviations. It was the longest time before I knew what ROTF meant in ROTFLOL.
Better late the never! My wife just picked it up for my son. They didn't even realize it was the Special Edition until they got home. I am going to swing by on the way home and see if there are left.

This was at the World of Wally for about $13.
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