Anyone notice something wrong, here?

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New Member
Anyone happen to notice a problem with this card I got at the Sneak Preview today?

I noticed it while looking, but as it stands, unless there's errata soon, as printed, this would appear to be a completely unusable card.
Alright, it seems "Counter Counter" IS a Counter Trap Card, however in different areas Normal Trap Card versions were pulled instead. It is by all means, an errata.
i cant seem to zoom in and read your image that u've got there.. what does it do?

and how can you counter a counter trap.. the fastesst effect in the game? .... hmmmm
We noticed this and made jokes all day in STL. But yeah, the rulings sheets had Counter Trap written on them, not Normal Trap or Continuous Trap. It is supposed to be counter trap speed (SS3), but they forgot the little symbol.......where it counts. The picture says it all, I guess?
Considering the effect is to "negate the Activation and Effect of a Counter Trap" a little common sense would tell you that it was a misprint. And from what I heard, it wasn't the only one. Regardless, it'll be fixed with the Unlimited reprints sure enough. *shrug*
Yeah, I had figured it was just a misprint, but after I had pointed it out to someone, another person walking by said that a couple of the judges up there had mentioned the card would be unplayable as is, since a Spell Speed 2 can't exactly chain to a Spell Speed 3, even IF the card text said to counter the counter trap.

You'd think common sense WOULD make a difference, but then the rules lawyers that take everything at face value kick in and really make it a pain. I had a nice discussion with someone there in Columbus about this as it was. Quite amusing, anyway.

I first noticed it when I mentioned it would be amusing to chain Counter Counter to Counter Counter to Counter Counter to Counter Counter... then I noticed, wait.... that's not listed as a counter card.... and yeah, the mind boggled.
No offense to the judges where you are, but that would be pretty stupid for them to say "oh it's unusable with the way it's printed" since it is an obvious Misprint. That would be like saying I can't use Solemn Judgment because the Counter Trap symbol isn't on the card.
It's not like this if the first misprint we've ever had. How much common sense does it take to see that? I know sometimes the rules in this game are muddled, but come on, their not THAT muddled that you can't put two and two together. And the judges can't be that afraid of sharks to rule it out altogether.
I'm wondering if there is an announcement by now for it. Remember the whole Neo-Dadelus craziness. I think they actually announced there was a problem with it in the starter deck a week before it hit the shelves. 8^D
I just scanned the card myself, I've got two of them, out of the 17 total packs I got, all of them in Columbus looked the same. I was more annoyed that there were a couple of people that wouldn't seem to use common sense, and just say the card was unplayable like it was instead.
yeah - all those sat in ft lauderdale werre same - first pack i opened i asked judge how it would work... he said "HUH?" and went to ask head judge....came back as " must be a mass mis-print - we'll rule 'it works' " no biggie there.... still generated some chuckles tho'
That's a pretty big oversight, a shame it happened. I can see a mix up in translation of wording'd think someone would have caught this....I'm glad I stopped making mistakes 10 years ago, it's made life so much easier <smirk>
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