Awesome Plays

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New Member
Have you guys done any recent amazing plays? Like, so awesome, the duel only lasted about 5 turns even though your deck isn't built to be that fast? Or if your opponent summons an ungodly powerful monster and you take control of it? Something along those lines. Something like that happened to me today here's the turn by turn play:

Both players draw 5 cards. My opponent goes first.

Turn 1
My opponent draws
My opponent plays Dark Fusion. Fuses the "Great Spirit" and "The Wicked Dreadroot" from their hand to summon "Evil Hero Dark Gaia." (Current ATK 4500.)
Sets 1 face-down card in the S/T Zone.
Ends turn.
Me: 8000
My Opponent: 8000

Turn 2
I draw.
My hand looks like this:
Spell Striker, Reinforcement of the Army, Brain Control, Mystical Space Typhoon, Foolish Burial, Pot of Avarice.
I play Foolish Burial. I dump Treeborn Frog.
I play Reinforcement of the Army. I search out Elemental Hero Stratos from my deck to my hand.
I summon Stratos and activate his effect and search out my Elemental Hero Wildheart.
I play Brain Control to take control of his Dark Gaia. I attack with his Dark Gaia and my Stratos.
I end turn. My opponent gets back his Dark Gaia.
Me: 7200
My Opponent: 1700

Turn 3
My opponent draws.
My opponent summons his Card Trooper. He sends the top 3 cards of his deck to the Graveyard and makes his Card Trooper 1900. He attacks my Stratos with Dark Gaia and attacks me directly with Card Trooper.
He ends his turn. His Card Trooper goes back to 400 ATK.
Me: 2600
My Opponent: 1700

Turn 4
I draw. I drew Scapegoat.
Standby Phase, I summon Treeborn Frog from my Grave.
I activate my Mystical Space Typhoon from my hand in my Main Phase 1. It destroyed his face down "Riryoku."
I remove Reinforcement of the Army and summon Spell Striker from my hand.
I Normal Summon Elemental Hero Wildheart.
My Spell Striker attacks his life points directly. His life points are now 1100. I attack his Card Trooper with my Elemental Hero Wildheart for game.

Final Life Point standing:
Me: 2600
My Opponent: 0

Have you played any good plays like this recently?
This wasn't an OTK, however, it's the kind of thing you'll only see happen (if ever) between a couple of judges that don't make the "usual" decks. It happened while a fellow judge and I were playing a couple of weeks ago....we giggled like school kids about it for days!

P1's (Me) field

3 Ojama Tokens
1 atk position monster

P2's (my fellow judge) field

Active Messenger of Peace
2 f/d S/T

P1's turn and he SS Lava Golem to my side of the field and ends turn.

P2 top decks MST (and smiles) Activates MST targeting MOP
P2 attacks with Lava Golem (hoping to hit for 3000
P1 activates Mirror Force (which resolves)
P2 activates (drum roll) A Deal With the Dark Ruler and special summons Beserk Dragon
P2 attacks with Berserk Dragon (inflicts 3500 battle damage)
P1 activates.....get this....Inferno Tempest! <laffin and laffin>

As a bit of background, P2 and I have been friends for years (Evil Fiber Jar here on COG) When he showed me his "fun deck" a couple of weeks before I suggested that since he's using Lava Golem he try Inferno Tempest just for fun....wouldn't you know it, I'm the first and only one he's pulled it off on!

I was using my "fun deck" My Blue Eyes / Creator deck (A Deal With the Dark Ruler I get to use often obviously in this deck)
I once had out two Nightmare Wheels attached to my opponents only two monsters that could attack for any value, the other three where Ojama Tokens. I had three or four Sheep Tokens in Defense Position, but held back on summoning a Solar Flare Dragon or attacking with my Bowganian in the event he had a Torrential Tribute or a Mirror Force. He eventually removed one Nightmare Wheel, but I still won the game by whittling him down 500 points each of my turns. Jank at its finest.
Machinefreak, not sure how Card Trooper's direct attack could reduce you from 7200 to 2600 ;) also, why would he attack Stratos with Gaia? ;) Heh... I'm guessing your a dyxlexic little ;)
It went like this SoilentG:

My Life Points: 7200
He attacks Stratos with Dark Gaia (4500)
He attacks directly with his 1900 Card Trooper

Heh. It was 2600. Eh, didn't make that much of a difference. I still won. XD

Also, I don't know why he attacked with Dark Gaia on my Stratos. I guess he was just playing recklessly. XP
d'oh! I'm the dyxlexic one... I didn't account for Gaia's attack on Stratos... kept thinking no damage... hehe.

I had an awesome openning hand with a Ben Kei deck:

Turn 1, me (Royal Decree, Armed Samurai Ben Kei, Mage Power, Axe of Despair, Lightning Blade, Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu)

I set Kotetsu

Turn 2, he sets 4 s/t and nothing else

Turn 3, I draw Marauding Captain...

Flip Summon Kotetsu, grab another Axe of Despair
Summon Ben Kei
Equip Mage Power, Axe of Despair x2, Lightnig Blade to Ben Kei
Opponent Chains Skill Drain one of the eqiups
I chain Royal Decree

and attack 5 times for a total of 29,000

Using an Exodia/Manticore deck filled with Foolish Burials, Magical Mallets and Reloads. I also had Ojamas (black, green, yellow) along with Ojamagic.

One match went like this.

Opponent and I drew our 5 cards. Since I was going first, entered my Draw Phase.

Hand looked like this...Card of Destruction, 2 Ojamagic, Foolish Burial, Marshmallon, Gravity Bind.
Set Gravity Bind
Activated Foolish Burial and sent Manticore of Darkness to the graveyard and then activated Card Destruction. Got Ojamagic's effect times two which gave me 6 Ojamas in all and drew Reload, Card of Safe Return, Foolish Burial.
Activated Foolish Burial and sent second Manticore to the graveyard, summoned one Ojama, activated Card of Safe Return and went directly to the End Phase and sent Ojama to the graveyard to special summon one of my Manticore of Darkness. I then used the Manticore/Card of Safe Return loop where I drew out until I had Exodia in hand.
My opponent was stunned as he didn't get the chance to even draw.
Best move ever with my old abyss soldier deck was-
opponent went first, set 1 monster and ended.
i went special summon cyber dragon, summon abyss soldier, discard an abyss soldier to return the monster, then use premature burial on the abyss soldier in the graveyard, then used thats effect to return premature burial to my hand by discarding mobius, then premature burial mobius.
my field was- cyber dragon,abyss soldier,abyss soldier,mobius.
if thats not an insane opening move i don't know what is :)
First turn was 2 d-draws and 2 dashers a call and a fear monger.

I got a clock tower and a heavy storm from the first draw and a dude and a plasma from the second. If you can think ahead a turn or two to how this turned out then you can see how kick ass it is. Dreadmaster was such a heavy hitter that day. PS turn 3 gave me a prem as well.
P1(Me) - has set s/t, 2 set mons, opponent (500 LP), 2 mons.

both monsters attack my 2 fear mongers, he ends. my turn return disk commander to my side of the field and draw 2 cards, then activate torrential tribute in response. Then, still during the standby phase, special summon my malicious from my graveyard with the other fear mongers effect, and attack direct for game
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