Balloon Lizard?


New Member
This card states that it inflicts its damage to "the controller of the card that destroys this card"...Does that include spells and traps as well, since I've heard its safe to destroy a Balloon Lizard with, say, Tribute to the Doomed, and you dont get the burn effect. What about monster effects, like Cyber Jar and Man-Eater Bug?
If you destroyed a Balloon Lizard with a Spell/Trap card you would take the damage because you controlled the card that Destroyed it.

Anything that destroys will activate the effect.
To add to that, not just "destroy" by Spell/Trap effect, but Monster Effect as well... the controller of those cards is the one taking the damage.

So, if you used "Tribute to the Doomed" on your own "Balloon Lizard", you take the damage.

If its your "Cyber Jar" that gets flipped, you take the damage.

If you target "Balloon Lizard" with your own flipped "Man-Eater Bug", you take the damage.

If during battle, you decide to attack with your own "Balloon Lizard" and suicide it into your opponents "Breaker the Magical Warrior", they take the damage since "Balloon Lizard" was destroyed by "Breaker" (aka the monster controlled by your opponent).

- Andrew
The safest way to get rid of Balloon Lizard is to use him for tribute summon, or simply tribute him. For example:

1) Soul Exchange him then tribute him for either tribute summon or tribute for other effects (Catapult Turtle, Mass Driver, ...)
2) Tribute him for Lava Golem
3) Use Change of Heart on him then tribute him, or attack him to one of you opponent's monster that will end up killing him. You might take some battle damage, but he will take much more.
4) Use Book of Moon on him.
5) Use Skill Drain on him.
6) If your opponent suicide attack him, respond with Barrel Behind the Door.

As you can see, I hate this card :D