Beatdown Deck, retreiving Ben Kei


New Member
i was wondering if anyone could tell me of a card that would let me draw ben kei faster, be patient unfamiliar with forums and most lingo
ajacmac said:
i was wondering if anyone could tell me of a card that would let me draw ben kei faster, be patient unfamiliar with forums and most lingo

Reinforcement of the army, sangan and different dimension capsule will allow you to search it out to the hand; mystic tomato will fetch it to the field.

If you wanted to cycle through the deck faster, maharaghi and good goblin housekeeping are available.

Anything which allows you to draw extra cards e.g. graceful charity, jar of greed etc could be used.

Another method to maximise your chances of drawing a specific card is to have the maximum number of copies of that card, in Ben Kai's case 3. also, limit the deck to 40 cards, which would statistically increase your chances of drawing the required cards.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: Dragonseeker obviously types faster than I do ;)

Holy @&#$ that was fast! Thanks i have ROTA, Mystic Tomato, and just today i traded a MEELLION and a half cards for freed.

i was hoping to use magic and traps to do this but now that i think about it i could use a cleanup, take out some cards yadda yadda yadda but i REALLY wanna have all warriors in my deck, :mad:
don't forget 2 big bang shots and 2 giant trunades
(and iron blacksmith kotetsu)

shouldn't this be on the deck deck forum? :huh