Best Format

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What format does everyone like best... i'm a fan of the modern format... but then u also have golden age and silver. The reason I pick the modern format because I believe you can build finly toned deck that can "destroy" the meta. I was just curious on the opinions of others
I really prefer sealed play over constructed. Out of the constructed formats I have to go with GA. There is so many decks running around now you almost never face the same thing twice in a tournament.
I don't get to play much sealed... my teammates don't wanna play.. jerks!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for silverage that should be fun... no flame trap = weenie decks gone crazy
TheBlackSuperNinja said:
I don't get to play much sealed... my teammates don't wanna play.. jerks!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for silverage that should be fun... no flame trap = weenie decks gone crazy

Your teammates don't feel like waking up early to go play 2 rounds of sealed and drop to go play constructed. Besides, you suck at sealed and constructed so why waste the time!!!
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