Beware of Falling Boulders

Why does everyone keep giving me ideas for more cards, and all I really wanted to do was trim it down? XD. Consider it updated.
Yes. I do care (now that was mushy...). Because I want to remove my rocks from the pit with bulldozers. That is to say, I want them in the grave so Gigantes and Megarock can come out.
Hey, well here I am.
The only things I could really see that could be taken out without too much a hindrance to you, would be:

Giant Trunade
Megarock Dragon (1 copy)

The Reasoning behind trunade is just that I really don't see how just one copy will do much of anything. It does have some synergy with PB, SoRL, and MoP (to an extent). To fully use that synergy would require at least one additional copy of GT, and I don't want to add cards to your deck, but trim it down. Although I do understand how you would want it so you could attack unhindered, even then you would probably need one more.

As for MRD, well to really use him to his best ability you would have to remove at least 3 rock sub-type monsters from your grave. And cuppled with the fact that you have two other copies of him that need their own removal, and then you have Gigantes who also need to remove, you may exhaust your grave yard a little too quickly, and extra copies of him would pretty much be useless, or stuck in your hand.

As usual these are just opinions/suggestions, so you don't have to like them or acknowledge them. That is totally up to you. But I do hope I have helped some. :)


*EDIT* That's funny I can't type "Reasoning" without it refering to the card! lol!
I think we have aGreed that the Reasoning is Appropriate to the fact that the bLast Will affect the UMI!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I appreciate your suggestions. Giant Trunade I will drop, for the exact reason you mentioned. One copy can work well in some decks, but not really this one. However, I think Megarock will stay, since he really doesn't need 3 rocks to be useful. He needs only one, and then he is tribute fodder. Come to think of it, with so much special summons, do I really need Brain Control? I'm gonna go do some MAJOR editing now...