Big Combo Payoff! Dueling in a Relaxed Environment
Andrew J. Mueller
Andrew J. Mueller
Not everyone wants the pressure of dueling in the finals of a premier event like Yu-Gi-Oh! Regionals every day. I know because I've been in that hot seat. It's "OK" once in a while, but it's not the stress-free (i.e. fun) environment that attracts people to the game of Yu-Gi-Oh! Many duelists are tired of Chaos dominating the meta, but they don't want to play with the Pegasus Starter Deck and get creamed.
Here's your answer: a Type-based deck that's easy (and CHEAP) to build, simple to run, has some powerful combos and (most importantly) can win! In this article, we're going to build a Beast-based deck. This deck is commonly called a "Beastdown", because it's an aggressive Beatdown deck filled with Beast-type monsters.
Why Beasts? It's quite simple. The introduction of the Invasion of Chaos booster set introduced some cards that completely reshaped and enhanced this deck type. Let's look at these new cards:
Enraged Battle Ox
4-star, Earth, Beast/Effect
As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, when Beast, Beast-Warrior and Winged Beast-Type monsters on your side of the field attack with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Berserk Gorilla
4-star, Earth, Beast/Effect
If this card is in face-up Defense Position on the field, destroy this card. The controller of this card must attack with this card when possible.
Mad Dog of Darkness
4-star, Dark, Beast
He used to be a normal dog who played around in a park, but was corrupted by the powers of darkness.
Enraged Battle-Ox being the largest, stable, non-tribute Trample (and trample-sharing) monster available, Mad Dog of Darkness is the second Rare 1900 attacker, and Berserk Gorilla is the largest 4-star stable attacker available. Sorry, Goblin Attack Force and Giant Orc are not stable, Dark Elf, Armor Exe and Jirai Gumo have negative drawbacks and Rare Metal Dragon cannot be normal summoned. These IOC Beast cards are very good by themselves, but together they form a VERY formidable force to be reckoned with.
Now, let's add in a few older Beast monsters as the core of the deck:
Bazoo the Soul Eater
4-star, Earth, Beast/Effect
You can remove up to 3 monster cards in your Graveyard from play to increase the ATK of this monster by 300 points for each card removed from play until the end of your opponent's next turn. This effect can only be used once during your turn.
Super Rare

Nimble Momonga
2-star, Earth, Beast/Effect
When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, increase your Life Points by 1000 points. You can also Special Summon up to 2 "Nimble Momonga" cards from your Deck to your side of the field in face-down Defense Position. Then shuffle your Deck.
Bazoo the Soul Eater is important for two reasons:
1. It can power itself up to 2500 ATK that lasts for 2 turns (your turn, your opponent's turn). Big enough to take out Jinzo, Mobius the Frost Monarch, or even a Summoned Skull.
2. It can remove up to 3 monster cards from your graveyard. This will help set-up one of this decks killer combos.
Nimble can help maintain field defense, and its Life Point gaining effect will also help pay for this decks killer (and expensive) combo's.
I must have mentioned "Killer Combo" a dozen times. What on earth is it? Well, the goal of this deck is to get as many large monster's like Gorilla, Mad Dog and Enraged removed from play, then special summon them with Dimension Fusion or Return from a Different Dimension. Personally, I prefer Dimension Fusion because it is cheaper and the monsters will stick around if your opponent is lucky enough to activate Waboku. Enraged Battle-Ox will give all the other Beast-type monsters on your side of the field Trample. This is devastating if your opponent has the popular Spirit Reaper or the even more popular Sheep Tokens on their side of the field. Often, I'm fortunate to get Jinzo onto the field as well. This prevents the opponent from activating nasty Battle Step traps like Magical Cylinder, Sakuretsu Armor or Mirror Force.
Now, onto the deck build.
Monsters: [17]
3x Bazoo the Soul Eater
3x Enraged Battle-Ox
3x Berserk Gorilla
3x Nimble Momonga
2x Mad Dog of Darkness
1x Jinzo
1x Mobius
1x Fiber Jar
Spells: [15]
1x Pot of Greed
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Change of Heart
1x Premature Burial
1x Card Destruction
1x Painful Choice
3x Dimension Fusion
1x Soul Release
2x Emergency Provisions
1x Mirage of Nightmare
1x Scapegoat
Traps: [8]
1x Ring of Destruction
2x Dust Tornado
3x Seven Tools of the Bandit
2x Solemn Judgment
Total: 40
It might look like an unusual build, but let me explain starting with the Traps. This deck centers on using Dimension Fusion to swarm our BIG Beasts onto the field. The deterrents in your opponent's arsenal include:
· Ring of Destruction: If Enraged Battle-Ox dies, your other Beasts won't have Trample.
· Torrential Tribute: You'd hate to pay 2000 just to have your opponent clear the field.
· Waboku: You want to do massive battle damage in a single turn in this deck.
This is why I've arranged the trap line-up as it is. Ring of Destruction can clear out anything too big on their side of the field. Solemn Judgment is there to negate Jinzo or anything they might want to spring on you in the Battle Phase. Dust Tornado is there to get rid of their non-chainable Traps. Seven Tools of the Bandit is a cheap (1000 LP) counter trap to negate any other Battle Phase surprises OR Traps like Waboku, Magic Drain or Magic Jammer that could negate your Dimension Fusion.
The Spell line-up is pretty standard. It doesn't contain any removal, instead counting on Solemn Judgment or Ring of Destruction to take care of stuff like Black Luster Soldier "“ Envoy of the Beginning/Blue Eyes White Dragon. You can let Bazoo the Soul Eater run over smaller monsters. These Spells are designed to get stuff into your graveyard then remove those monsters from play. Mirage of Nightmare can quickly fill your graveyard. Card Destruction can also dump big monsters into your graveyard and get something more useful into your hand.
The monsters are heavily Beast oriented, with Jinzo and Mobius in there to provide Trap negation or S/T removal. Magician of Faith is slow, being a FLIP monster, but if you've lost a critical Spell card like Heavy Storm or Pot of Greed, getting it back can make all the difference. I prefer to keep Magician of Faith in the side deck, only bringing it in when needed.
Although not a World Championship deck, in a more relaxed environment this deck can be a LOAD of FUN! Stalling or attacking, just waiting to see how long it takes you to pull off your OTK.
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