big monsters rule

Sakura Sakamoto

Active Member
i was thinking about the lack of originality thread when i saw a deck which had nothing but tribute monsters in it.
it had 40 monsters somthing like 10 traps and and 10 spells.
i thought i'd give the idea a try but try to make a smaller version of the deck.

monsters 18
3x blue eyes white dragon
3x the creator
3x metal armored bug
3x gogiga gagagigo
3x destiny hero-dasher
3x guardian angel joan

spells 20
3x mausoleum of the emperor
2x noble man of crossout
1x heavy strom
1x mystical space typhoon
3x foolish buriel
3x trade-in
2x lightning vortex
2x terraforming
1x premature burial
1x fissure
1x smashing ground

traps 6
2x birth rite
1x call of the haunted
1x sakeretsu armor
1x bottomless trap hole
1x torrential tribue
you should try card destruction it will help thin your deck and put big level monsters in the graveyard for future use .