Book of Moon vs Snatch Steal


New Member
Alright I didn't think this sounded right so I looked on netrep and didn't find it.

Player A has face up Exiled Force and face down Book of Moon
Player B uses Snatch Steal to take Exiled Force
Player A Chains Book of Moon

Does Player B get to keep control of Exiled Force?

Help me out.
This is one of the cases where letting the error go only perpetuates the problem.

Snatch Steal is an Equip Card. You cannot equip a card to a face-down monster. Period.

A Judge at a Tournament I attended last night refused to believe that Barrel Behind the Door could not be used against Wave-Motion Cannon's effect.

He kept stating that "counters" was the continuous part and that when it was tributed, that was the known damage and you could use BBtD.

I told him there is no such thing as "counters" with WMC and that he needed to look up the ruling on BBtD for himself. I watched him keep passing the part that stated Wave-Motion Cannon's effect cannot be reflected by BBtD and then he finally saw it and accepted that fact that it was indeed true.

I say this because this was the SECOND TIME he was going to allow this to happen. The first time it resulted in a Match win, in a separate tournament a couple months ago, when it should have been a Match Loss. The second time would have been the same, had I not spoke up, and it only came to my attention because the player was the one it happened to the first time and I informed him that he lost his Match on a error (too late to correct, as it was well after the duel had ended).
Plus, you can't chain with Barrel Behind the Door to Wave Motion Cannon's effect anyway.

Wave Motion Cannon is a Continuous Spell card, so Barrel Behind the Door cannot be chained to it, even when tributed.

Did you win that duel anyway, masterwoo0?
StRiKe_NiNjA said:
Snatch Steal doesn't take control of Exiled Force until it completely resolves. Snacth Steal would be destroyed.

You sure? I thought it just stays on the field meaninglessly, giving your opponent the LP boost.
Wasnt me. Truth be told, it was my son and I was pissed when he told me how he lost the first time, that's why he made sure he called me over to see the second time and I made the ruling judge look it up since he was wrong the first time. Even his own son was trying to tell him he was wrong.
How could 'Snatch Steal' stay on the field? It's an Equip Spell card. It should and would be destroyed at resolution if/since the monster was face down.
Xeno said:
You sure? I thought it just stays on the field meaninglessly, giving your opponent the LP boost.
If an equip spell card does not have an appropriate target, it will be destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by game mechanic. Equip Spell Card must target a face-up monster on the field.
skey23 said:
How could 'Snatch Steal' stay on the field? It's an Equip Spell card. It should and would be destroyed at resolution if/since the monster was face down.

I dunno... I vaguely remember someone telling me that. It's never come up in any of my duels so never gave it much thought.
I'm wondering if it was the thing about flipping a monster face-down AFTER 'Snatch Steal' had resolved, when the monster was on the opponent's side of the field. The monster would then stay on the opponent's side of the field even after being flipped back up.

I could be wrong about that as well, but I do remember reading about that somewhere too.

[edit] I found the post here:
Xeno said:
I dunno... I vaguely remember someone telling me that. It's never come up in any of my duels so never gave it much thought.

Might be confusing with Call of the Haunted, which if the targeted monster is turned face down (after being Special Summoned), the monster is separated from the effect of Call of the Haunted, but CotH remains on the field meaninglessly.

Snatch Steal, being an Equip Spell Card, can only remain on the field as long it is equipped to a monster. If something happens to make the equip illegal (turning the monster face-down, returning it to hand, etc.), Snatch Steal is destroyed by game rules.
If Snatch Steal has longed resolved already, and Book of Moon is played at a later time targetting the monster equipped with Snatch Steal, that player gets to keep the monster.