this took place in a recent duel....p1 has 2200 lp and has a set m/t & no monsters p2 has 1700 lp and a zaborg in atk pos and 1 set s/t (call of haunted) p1 draws for turn , summons breaker and says "priority to break" then activates set ring of destruction targeting his breaker and tries to hit for 1900 dmg to p2 for game...p2 says wait - does ring hit for 1600 or 1900??? judge says 1600 p1 gets mad and starts to argue .....judge judge says 1600
i get asked by p2 what i i said it depends...i ask p1 when did you acitvate ring? he says "when i summoned breaker"i say " i think you hosed yourself then..."p1 goes berserk....(sigh) i asked if i could explain what i thought happens...p2 says yes p1 is still ranting judge has walked off refusing to be around... so i treid... i said when breaker is summoned he gets his counter - thats all you can use priority for NOT to break... so when you activated ring to respond to your own summon that was what you used your priority for - starting chain... summon(link1) effect to place counter (link2) (opponent gets chance to respond here) no response from p2 so ring is next(link 3) and resolve backwards ring hits for 1600 no counter has been placed yet....i said you should have summoned asked p2 for a response and if none allowed breaker to get his counter then responded to the placing of the counter on breaker with rin of d (and not used any priority to break)
was i close?? p2 & judge think so but p1 refuses to accept ruling or explanation saying no one here has a clue etc etc i tried to say timing is everthing... it determins what order things go on chain & how they resolve...
i get asked by p2 what i i said it depends...i ask p1 when did you acitvate ring? he says "when i summoned breaker"i say " i think you hosed yourself then..."p1 goes berserk....(sigh) i asked if i could explain what i thought happens...p2 says yes p1 is still ranting judge has walked off refusing to be around... so i treid... i said when breaker is summoned he gets his counter - thats all you can use priority for NOT to break... so when you activated ring to respond to your own summon that was what you used your priority for - starting chain... summon(link1) effect to place counter (link2) (opponent gets chance to respond here) no response from p2 so ring is next(link 3) and resolve backwards ring hits for 1600 no counter has been placed yet....i said you should have summoned asked p2 for a response and if none allowed breaker to get his counter then responded to the placing of the counter on breaker with rin of d (and not used any priority to break)
was i close?? p2 & judge think so but p1 refuses to accept ruling or explanation saying no one here has a clue etc etc i tried to say timing is everthing... it determins what order things go on chain & how they resolve...