Call of the Haunted Vs. Jinzo


New Member
Ok, I understand that Jinzo negates trap cards. Here is the situation, let me know what should happen.

1. I used 'Call of the Haunted' to summon Jinzo during my opponets battle phase.
2. My opponet had a 'Call of the Haunted' already on the field.

Does Jinzo then destroy the monster because it negates the effect?

"Jinzo" just negates the effect of "Call of the Haunted", it will not destroy one that is already face-up on the field. Per the card text of "Call", the only way the monster would be destroyed by something happening to "Call" would be for "Call" to LEAVE THE FIELD. "Jinzo" did not make "Call" leave the field.

I would also like to take this opportunity to clear a few things up about "Call of the Haunted", or at least 1 thing.

Can anybody tell me what happens to "Call of the Haunted" when you use the monster 'linked' to "Call" for a tribute?

What does the last line of text say? --- "When the monster is DESTROYED, destroy this card."
Does it say anything about the monster being tributed? --- NO
Does tribute = destroy? --- NO
Is "Call of the Haunted" an Equip Spell card? --- NO

So if you use the monster brought back by "Call" for a tribute, "Call of the Haunted" will remain on the field meaninglessly because the monster WAS NOT DESTROYED.

Sorry if I sound like I'm ranting, and I apologize to all, but this is one of the biggest play mistakes I see. I even had a Judge interrupt one of my games during the SJC in Houston to 'make' me put my "Call" in my Graveyard after I tributed the monster I just brought back with it. (He apparently was watching the match over my shoulder.) I asked him to verify, and explained that Tribute does not equal Destroy, but he insisted, so I dropped the issue and placed the card in my Graveyard.

If I'm wrong about this, somebody PLEASE correct me, and provide a Judge's List reference or something 'official'.