Call ot Haunted and monster fd

Dr Sin

New Member

I'm aware that if a monster with Call attached to it is turned fd by its own effect (Guardian Sphinx, Swarms etc) or by other card effect (Tsukuyomi, Book of Moon etc), Call remains on the field.
But, is it still considered attached to the monster, or since the monster is fd now, Call remains on the field without effect?
I was inclined to believe that it remains attached to the monster, even if it is turned fd. But I am not sure.

Thanks in advance
But the problem is there is no room for interpretation in this card effect. The connection is severed when the monster is flipped face-down, and thats all there is. We were warned months ago what can happen when we try to reineterpret card text. Especially with long standing effects and rulings.
Digital Jedi said:
The connection is severed when the monster is flipped face-down, and thats all there is.
OK, Jedi, WHERE'S THAT RULING? DaGuy originally made a reference to that ruling and I've been searching all of the Judge's List for it since, but I can't find it. If you'd be so kind as to provide a link to it, we could end this discussion.
CardsOfTheHeart said:
OK, Jedi, WHERE'S THAT RULING? DaGuy originally made a reference to that ruling and I've been searching all of the Judge's List for it since, but I can't find it. If you'd be so kind as to provide a link to it, we could end this discussion.
It used to be in the Advance Gameplay section before the recent Battle Position Rulings changes. However this is how the card has been played from the beginning and it has never been recinded on the jJudges List or anywhere else.

I was reading this in the Advanced Gameplay - Flipping Face Down
"Guardian Sphinx", "Royal Keeper" Section of the Yugi site. I put my
emphasis in all caps:

When "Guardian Sphinx", etc., is flipped face-down using its effect,
Equip Spell Cards equipped to it ARE DESTROYED. If Special Summoned with
"Premature Burial", and then flipped face-down, "Premature Burial" is
destroyed but "Guardian Sphinx" remains on the field. If Special
Summoned with "Call of the Haunted", and then flipped face-down, "Call
of the Haunted" remains on the field meaninglessly, and "Guardian
Sphinx" remains on the field.

Last time I checked, equip cards that were attached to monsters that
destroyed were simply sent to the graveyard due to invalid targeting,
but this flipping face actually destroys them? Does this apply for all
monsters, or just these special flipper cases? More specifically, I'm
thinking about this:

My Dark Necrofear is destroyed in battle and comes back to be equipped
to my opponents random monster.
During my opponents turn, they summon Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Now on my turn. I summon Tsukuyomi and target the random monster I
control with Necrofear to flip it face down.
Due to the info. above, my Necrofear is now destroyed again, so I can
pull it out during my end phase and equip it to the Blue Eyes that my
opponent controls.

Is all of this legit?


Not quite.

"Dark Necrofear" was not destroyed by an opponent's card effect while it was a monster card, so there is no
reason its effect would activate.

It was an Equip Spell Card that was destroyed because its target was turned face-down.

Curtis Schultz
Official UDE Netrep
Well, that whole section was rewritten to clarify the new standing on Battle Position changes. Call was in there in passing. They simply chose not use it for the new examples.