Can This Be Perfected?

Not really sure how an unchainable trap with specific timing that can only destroy one monster and not affect monsters immune to trap cards is better then a trap that makes you and all your monsters invulnerable for a turn, regardless of if your opponent's monsters are immune to traps or not. But ok. :D
exactly DJ...i mean sure sakuretsu DESTROYS a monster but to me Waboku outweighs it in terms of its strengths....i mean if i wanted to destroy something id just run Bottomless Trap removes something threatening permanently instead of just sending it to the grave....
BenjaminMS said:
He already runs a Mirror Force. Only Bottomless is further needed, I think. About it... Waboku is preferable. I notice that Bait Doll is on its way back.
Maybe in your Meta, but I havent seen any played with any kind of consistency to say its more than a few people trying to use something "different".

It has a good chance of being successful since most people sacrifice cards like Jammer and Drain for defensive cards.
Cards that should be considered:

Night Assailant
Mask of Darkness
Dark Ruler Ha Des

Dragged Down into the Grave
Swords of Concealing Light
Pot of Avarice

Mind Crush
This is my humble opinion:
Mask of Darkness to get back Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute or Call of the Haunted.
Night Assailant to get back Mask of Darkness or flip for the Kill.
Dark Ruler Ha Des to power up your Fiends and give you a Jinzo and Monarch killer.
Swords of Concealing Light goes well with Nobleman of Crossout and Dark World Lightning for monster removal with a hint of summoning.
Pot of Avarice to put Dark Ruler back into circulation and draw 2 cards.
Mind Crush to pre emptive strike at opponents hand with Dark world discard possibility.
Looks a good deck.
Definately 3 x Dark Deals over Magic Jammers
Digital Jedi said:
Not really sure how an unchainable trap with specific timing that can only destroy one monster and not affect monsters immune to trap cards is better then a trap that makes you and all your monsters invulnerable for a turn, regardless of if your opponent's monsters are immune to traps or not. But ok. :D

Just thought I would point that ^^^^ out again :)


Anyways...Magic Jammer can be handy since Spell Cards are more commonly used then traps. However, I never really make use of Jammer, so that is going to be taken out most likely...
I may put in Bottomless because of a double purpose: 1 - it is a little better then that over-rated Sak. Armor because it kills upon summoning instead of attacking. 2 - It removes that monster from play. Always a nice effect there.
I finally got a PoA, well I am getting one as soon as it arrives in the mail it is being put in my deck to see how it runs and all.
I will take out all Equips to see if the deck runs much better.
I will also try out Dark Deals, for everyone keeps saying those are nice to use.
I put Ceasefire in since all my monsters are effect monsters, so that will enable some quick damage to my opponent's LP.
I was thinking about Mask of Darkness...but decided against it.

Oy, I have so mcuh testing out to do!
I thank you all so much for your input!