Card Attack Names

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New Member
Ever notice that in the Cartoon each card has a specific attack; Dark Magic Attack or Inferno Fire Blast? Well I've noticed that they've left out quite a few, and that some aren't creative at all, so, let's recreate and create them...
It'll go something like this:
Card Name
Attack name
Go Card Name, Attack name ( or anything of the sort)
and you can put in any comments or tidbits you might want to share.
To make it interesting let's go with the style in the Create-a-card thread; At the end of a post state the name of the next card, preferably an existing monster card, the next post must be that card.

Guess i'll start:

Despair from the Dark
Dark Grab of Doom
Go, Despair from the Dark, destroy his Summoned Skull with Dark Grab of Doom!!
Yeah! You like that grab Yugi?!?

Next card: Mataza the Zapper
Mataze the Zapper
Twin Katana Cutter!
Mataza the Zapper, direct attack with Twin Katana Cutter!
Salad anyone?

Next Card:
Blindly Loyal Goblin
Blindly Loyal Goblin
Shield of Fidelity!
Blindly Loyal Goblin, block his attempt to snatch you with Shield of Fidelity!
Teat your cards with respect, Kaiba, and they will be loyal to you forever!
Next Card:
Bazoo the Soul-Eater

Bazoo The Soul Eater
Soul Consumption!

*Bazoo removes 3 monsters to gain extra attack*

Don't worry guys, technically it's not cannibalism...oh wait, I did just eat the soul of another Bazoo......


Ah well, Carl tasted good anyway, so it's all good!

Next Card:

Apprentice Magician
Apprentice Magician
Magical Tickle of Doom!
Apprentice magician! Tickle him to death!!

My first idea was actually: Sacrifice yourself for Zaborg attack...
Oh well

Next Card: Maneater bug
Man-Eater Bug

Killer Chomp

Go forth, Man-Eater Bug, claim that Blindly Loyal Goblin as your dinner today!

MEB: Do I really have to? Goblins taste really icky and no amount of seasoning can cover their smell!

Next Card:

Obnoxious Celtic Guard
Obnoxious Celtic Guard
Bold-faced rush
Now feel the wrath of my Obnoxious Celtic Guard. Obnoxious Celtic Guard, attack him with your Obnoxiously Obnoxious BOLD-FACED RUSH!!!

OCG: I'm going to give them the honour of being attacked by me, The Obnoxious Celtic Guard...Wait...what do you mean he has 1500 atk points?

Next Card: Blackluster Soldier-EOTB
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy Of The Beginning

Banishment From The Heavens!

Summon Black Luster, use your mighty effect to send his face-down card into oblivion! MWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!

BLS: ...So much for being mighty, I can't even attack if it's used, what kind of super effect is that? I'm da BLS...b***h! Ah well, I'm still powerful enough, nothing of theirs can beat me...

*Ends turn, opponent activates Heavy Storm, and then summons Kinetic Solider*

KS: Hi, how ya doin punk?

BLS: Aw, crap.

Next Card:

Ancient Gear Engineer
Ancient Gear Engineer
Build me a machine to crush him
Duelist:You there, Engineer, build me a machine to crush him.
AGE:There, it's finished.
Duelist: I crush you. End turn.
Opponent: Summon Breaker, Break back card...KICK!!!
AGE: I thought you were banned!!!!BLAAARG!!

Next Card: Ameoba
Ancient Gear Engineer
Big Ancient Drill
Obliterate! Ancient Gear Engineer use your Big Ancient Drill to drill his Drilloid.

AGE: Call me a dentist.

Shining Friendship

Primitive Transfer Infection

Player: Summon Ameba
Opponent:That weak thing? What you think you're gonna do? Swap it to me, I dare ya. Take my Mobius, I still have 3500 LP left!
Player:Activate Creature Swap
Ameba:Call me weak? I'll show ya weak! *throws up on opponent when it reaches by opponent*
Opponent: EWWWWWW!....Hey, why is my LP going down? I thought I had 3500 LP, not 1500!
Player & Ameba: Baka!

Next Card:

Serpentine Princess
Just continue, don't mind who posted first or second, however, as anote from now on, whenever two people post on the same card, the person whose post is second will change their next card to the one specified on the previous post. If this occurs for more than two posts, then only the last two are considered.
Serpentine Princess
Royal Boa Constriction

I've got the deadliest constriction around...what? Biker shorts? Nope, not that deadly.

Next Card: Shining friendship
Skull Servant:

Attack with Skull Throw!

"...Skull Servant attack?? Who in their right minds attacks with a SKULL SERVANT???!!!"

Next Card: Treeborn Frog
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