

The Syndicate...
Deck Title : Crystal Beast Turbo
Deck Total : 42
Author : Neil Karunatiaka

Monsters : 17
1 Jinzo
3 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude
3 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
3 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
3 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
2 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
1 Snipe Hunter
1 Morphing Jar

Spells : 21
3 Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
3 Crystal Abundance
3 Crystal Blessing
3 Crystal Beacon
2 Lightning Vortex
2 Rare Value
1 Magical Stone Excavation
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Crystal Promise
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Terraforming

Traps : 4
1 Ring of Destruction
1 Ceasefire
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Mirror Force
I like the thought of putting in a snipe hunter. That'd be useful for playing crystal blessing.
Yes Snipe Hunter is pivitol in this deck. Helps out against traps like Royal Oppression, big monsters like Jinzo or any Monarch. So it good for clearing your opponents field and good for dumping your CB's to the Graveyard for use with Crystal Blessing.
Its working very good. DDude can hit all but 3 spells, so its never bad to play it out. Plus the Pegasus' help thin out your deck so DDude has an even higher chance of hitting a Spell if you wait it and play your cards right.