Ceasefire and depletion of all lifepoints


CoG iTrader
Player A has one effect monster and one normal monster on the field with 550 remaining life points. During Main Phase 1, player A tribute summons an effect monster tributing the normal monster on the field. Player B responds with Ceasefire. Does Ceasefire wipe out Player A's life points and end the game prior to Player A attacking and defeating Player B?


Yes it does.
EDIT:A little explanation:the tribute monster hits the field and Ceasefire is chained.You resolve in reverse so Ceasefire resolves first ending the game.
Double edit:A little explanation:the tribute monster hits the field and Ceasefire is activated in response to the summon.So if your opponent doesnt chain anything Ceasefire resolves and you win.Thanks chaosruler ;).
Nak....bad choice of words. You respond to the summon with Ceasefire, because you cannot chain to a summon, because it has no spell speed. Sorry to be picky as hell, but these things are sorta important. ;) Sorry again for the pickyness.

EDIT:Anytime, any thread ;)
