Chaos-Return CC Deck for Regionals


Emperor of Games
Chaos-Return Deck for Regionals

TOTAL - 40

Monsters - 21

Mobius the Frost Monarch
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Chaos Sorcerer
Chaos Sorcerer

Non-Tribs- 14

D.D. Warrior Lady
D.D. Assailant
Spirit Reaper
Spirit Reaper
Exiled Force
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Mystic Tomato
Magician of Faith
Magician of Faith
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
Night Assailant

Spells- 12

Graceful Charity
Brain Control
Creature Swap
Snatch Steal
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Nobleman of Crossout
Nobleman of Crossout
Smashing Ground
Premature Burial
Book of Moon

Traps- 7

Mirror Force
Return From The Different Dimension
Dust Tornado
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Call of The Haunted
Sakuretsu Armor

Fusion Deck - 12

The Last Warrior From Another Planet
King Dragun
Gatling Dragon
Dark Balter the Terrible
Fiend Skull Dragon
Ryu Senshi
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Reaper on the Nightmare
Cyber Twin Dragon
Cyber End Dragon
Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
Flame Ghost

Side Deck - 15

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
Asura Priest
Cannon Soldier
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Creature Swap
Airknight Parshath
Reinforcement of the Army
Royal Decree
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Monster Reincarnation
Smashing Ground
Rush Recklessly
- 3 Thunder Dragons. Why? because they become dead cards once you acquire them. There are better light monsters to use that will contribute to field presence.

Having said that, you are relying way too much on puny flip monsters. I think a monarch by the likes of Zaborg or Mobius will make the deck more aggressive.

+1 Zaborg
-1 Reinforcement of the Army.

RotA for only 3 warriors? Not a good statistical ratio. Take it out.

Use a 2nd Tomato instead of LV1. You won't have to rely on a puny flip monster and you have more Swap bait.

The side deck is going to need some work. Gold is a better card that Despair, and there may be a good chance you will run into a stall deck. Anti stall consists of Decree, and Mobius etc.

Hope this helps.
that is very usefull thank u ...
Thunder dragons are purely for deck thinning and a place holder for cybers...
i like the mobius idea
i just traded my only zaborg the thunder monarch
ill add the second tomato in the side for now...
ill plug and play and decide in playtesting.

i was trying to decide between jinzo and decree...
i guess i could just side both...
considering maining Jinzo...

The Goldd for Despair Makes complete sense... i dont know why i missed it

i guess the only thing i dont really agree with is the Reinforcement OTA
i MAY side it
but not take it out all together

also i think that with the ammount of ST destruction im already running ... if i run a mobius i may want to consider main decking a second Nobleman to clear the way to the lp
magnumcyclonex said:
- 3 Thunder Dragons. Why? because they become dead cards once you acquire them. There are better light monsters to use that will contribute to field presence.
Thunder Dragons are for deck thinning and Chaos Food, not field presence. They are pretty much the standard in Chaos CC builds.
Need advice for Jinzo...

Main, Side, or Not at all...

the reason i ask is because my traps are at 7..and i might hurt myself...

it would be nice to swarm him with RFDD though

for protection
ok... updated the deck.... this seems to work well....

still need advice on the side deck

Confiscation and Rush Recklessly

good? bad??? just plain ugly???

also, which should i use? another skelengel or magical merchant??
Never EVER run flip effects in 3x. (Except for Dekoichi which you might consider for 3x 1400ATK beatsticks to hit the RFP for RftDD fueling when it gets NoC) You have 2x, so if you really need another one, I would say Merchant. Instead of Thunder Dragons, I would say go for Cyber Dragons.

Confiscation is good for reading your foe's gameplay along with discard effect. (Hopefully, you'll draw that in your first 6 cards.) Rush Recklessly is just dumb. If you need to target that foe's Reaper, go with Enemy Controller.

I prefer Jinzo in the main deck. Can act like Mobius but a Dark Version for Chaos food. I think you have a bit too much light and not enough Dark. Run some Dekoichis. Deko comes first, THEN Skelengel. (Cause of higher stats of Deko)
obviously Thunder dragons for cybers... i said that like 3 times lol....

umm... Dekoichi would be nice if i had any lol
i dont thats why im substituting with skelengel...

Rush Recklessley is in NO way dumb...

A. since im main decking jinzo.... im substituting it for sakuretsu
B. Its very chainable. if they spring out a Heavy storm... i can chain it where as sak would just die.
C. it blows up reaper
D. it makes a weakened breaker woop a cyber dragon (lol)
ooooooo now i get it..... im not running 3 skelengels and never planned to.....

i was trying to decide between a SECOND skelengel or a merchant....

and obviously i chose the skelengel
there are two in the deck and no merhants anywhere...