chaosruler's wants/haves

I like you test card, CED, and Enemy Controller if you have one, from your wants I have DDA, Blade Knight, Snatch, CotH, Exiled, and Tribe. I have updated with new arrivals so you might want to check me again. DDA is not on my list but I have plenty.
well, i would want 2-3 DDAs, and I have a Controller on the way, but I'm gonna main deck it, so sorry

trade, possibly, DDAs for ____?

also, I have a TP4 Megamorph, cuz your wants sez any TP holo ;)

nak44 - the only thing I see that I MIGHT want, is your DD Assailant, so lemme see if another trade goes through first, but don't worry, I wouldn't be trading any of the stuff you want ;)


i'm sorry, shoulda updated the haves, but i'm currently recieving a Mobius and a Call of the Haunted, anything else you got from my wants?? Sorry, again :(

Well a regular test card goes for 5/10 dollars so I will assume(I know I shouldn't, lol) the holo is at least double, How about my DDA and Exiled Force for it, or counter offer.
deepdark - i'll do it for 2 DDAs or a DDA And a Enemy Controller (I'd toss something in for this one)

SSJvegeta56 - nothing I want right now, but don't worry, for now, the SS LV 5 is decked, so he won't be getting traded soon, not without looking over offers, of course ;)
