check it out improved Skill Drain 07'


New Member
probably one of my favorite decks just because it annoys my opponents...
suggestions///feedback welcomed


monsters: 16
3 cyber dragon
3 goblin attack force
3 fusillier
3 chainsaw insect
2 exiled force
2 G.E.A.F

spells: 12
2 nobleman of extermination
2 nobleman of crossout
1 brain control
1 enemy controller
1 pot of avarice
1 premature burial
1 mystical space typhoon
1 cold wave -------> testing
1 heavy storm
1 shield crush

traps: 15
3 skill drain
2 dust tornado
2 magic drain
1 final attack orders
1 torrential tribute
1 mirror force
1 sakuretsu armor
1 transmigration prophecy
1 call of the haunted
1 trap jammer
1 fake trap
been a while since i messed with skill drain - i do remember that one big difference maker was using spell/trap effects that allowed my monsters to get piercing effect (big bang shot or strike slash are examples)... when you have some big beaters on the field your opponent will "turn turtle" to stall & protect lp... so pierce sped up the game alot, making every attack a LP threat
i liked mask of restrict since it kept my opponents from tributing and only affected exiled force & enemy controler in my deck...
when your opponent is in crisis his back row is his big hope...i ran solemn judgements, and my body as a shield, with twisters instead of dust tornados (fuel aggression on your turn) the new card dark bribe would probably fit in well too as well as forced back to keep field clear
the card double summon might be interesting as well...where skill drain can have trouble is a drawn out game...running out of in hand options...late game topdecking is not too bad if field is bare...but you dont want to be first to be in that position - extra draws are a boon....
when you opponent summons a non tribute monster and attacks - be prepared for the shrink or enemy controller ...
the only thing I really wanna address is your trap lineup.... on and your spells.... and a bit of your monsters... hahahha jk

So far as your traps go, keep Torrential, and your Skill Drains ... the rest should be Solemn Judgments and Fake Traps .... Solemn for obvious reasons, but the Fake Traps are wonderful cuz they save your monsters.... also... try dropping in that mask of restrict.... it will be great for you..
Take out Heavy Storm, it will only hurt you... instead try running some more Cold Wave.. you can chain to it so it wont hurt you much at all.... and is quite limiting on your opponent.... also u can toss in good ole big bang shot just for kicks but one thing Ive noticed is that u will tend to run outta hand now and then, and you will get your monster lineup taken out once in awhile.... and with your lineup, try out a Reinforcement of the Army ......

well.. these are just ideas... i am too wiped out from this headache to explain in detail the why's of why i said what i said..... so hope it helps... ive been running skill drain as my main deck for years.... have a good one
Since this isn't a skill drain burn, yeah, adding that mask of restrict will stop the Mei-Kou thing that's popular recently. And it also stops Monarchs and possible Exiled Force.

TOO little monsters. 16 monster in a 43 decck that's trying to do battle damage for winning condition... NOT GOOD. More monsters.

I would say

3x Skill Drain
3x Solemn
3x Dark Bribe
1~2x Mask of restrict
1~3 Final Attack order

That should be good enough for traps.