City of Gamers is Back Online!

Digital Jedi

Staff member
Hello gang! Well, I guess your wondering what took so long to get back online. Let's just say that the work was more involved that I had even first imagined. But I hope you find it well worth the delay. Please note that things are VERY different then they were before. Not just on the Forum Home, but lots of other places too.

First, check out your Profile. Or rather, check out my profile: Digital Jedi. Your profile is customizable now, very much like a MySpace page. You now have the ability to leave comments, have friends and create Social Groups much the same way you would on a Social Networking site. Albums are integrated into the forums now, so the way we handle the Art Gallery is going to be through use of that script. Poke around your User CP and you'll notice quite a lot of new stuff. Might take a while to get your head around, but rest assured, it can be fun once you get in.

One thing I did want to make a point of noting for you, was the tagging system we have at the bottom of each thread now. This is an important new function, especially with regard to rulings questions. Each of you now has the ability to "tag" individual threads with up to three keywords, which can be searched through, as opposed to searching entire threads and posts. If you feel like going back and adding some tags to threads you deem appropriate, feel free, as this will make our search ability more accurate and eventually be usable in a Tag Cloud I plan on adding later.

There's plenty of other stuff to see and do, and a handful of minor things might not be working properly. But for the most part, everything should be up to par. I won't go into detail here about all our new functionality. But if you have a question, feel free to ask. I'm going to go take a nap now. :soso:
Wasn't me. I was busy being wary about this MySpace-influenced profile look, because I've seen some MySpace profiles and they're... shocking, to say the least.
Let's just say, it's MySpace-esqu. Sure, there's the potential for gaudy, seizure inducing colors. But for the most part, the layout is consistent.
What a time for the site to go back up, as its my 22nd Birthday Today. I know you did it just for me right? lol

I've noticed we no longer have a chat room tab on the top toolbar, is the shout box gone? If so, is it for good?

Really glad the site went back up though, I've been checking 3-5 times a day since it went down. lol
Um, yeah, that's why I did. Yeah, that's the ticket. :mrgreen:

Yes, we still have the ChatBox. It's located in the Chat tab now.
I added the tag. :p

I checked more than you did ruler. Hell I even had the audacity to check the status with DJ via msn. Does that mean Im more addicted?

One thing I will say about the new profile pages...... DEAR GOD IF YOU CAN DISABLE AUTOPLAY OF YOUTUBE CLIPS AND AUDIO DO IT NOW!!!!! I hate vids and tunes that autoplay. Like the vid in your profile for example DJ. Also for those that like the regular old profile pages cant ya get a plugin that allows them to choose which one is displayed? I havent checked if thats been added yet.
Heh, I don't know if there's a way to toggle profiles. Spent a lot of time around, and the general consensus is that the new profiles are an enhancement. But I'll keep an eye out.

Oh, autoplay is an option in your profile's User CP. I turned mine on to demonstrate. ;)
Nope, that's why I say the profile is MySpace-esque. It has some, but not all of the same capabilities.
Dude, check out how many credits I have:


That's quite specific :p

I knew I was going to say something else, but I got distracted by my bank balance there and forgot what it was.

Oh yeah, I remember! Are you sure it's a good idea to make auto-posts when someone gets a new high score in the Arcade? I mean, there are a lot of them already...
Where does it say that? I only see .75.

Well, I guess we'll see. It wont do it for every high score. It will only do it when someone beats someone else's high score. I just didn't expect Evil Fiber Jar to start smacking everyone around on the first day. :D