Coggers at SJC Baltimore: Plan to spot each other?

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New Member
Hey gang, it sounds corny and lame, but let's come up with a way we can pick our fellow City residents out of the crowd this weekend. Lots of you know each other by face already, but I'm sure that more a few of us would love to be able to find you and say hello.

I have NO CLUE what could be done here while keeping it at all "cool".... ideas?

If this is too corny, no worries. Just an idea.
I will be easy to find, as I am one of the few Panda Shirt wearing, African American Judges. There may also be another one as well, and we both wear glasses, but more than likely, I will be the only one with a near Bald Hair Cut.
I'll be there in the panda colors as well for the weekend. I can't really think of anything else that can point me out more so than that. I wear glasses... uh... my hair I guess is kinda long... I need to get it cut, but it could be just that *I* consider it long as well. I would say look for the facial hair but after my poor performance in Atlanta I shaved it off. It's growing back right now, but won't be hardly as noticable as it was...

But anyways, yeah, I'll be there. If worst comes to worst just walk around asking the guys with glasses if their name is Michael Palmer, and if not, could they point me out to you, lol.

See you there.
You shaved off your facial hair!!! no.....

I'm trying to see if I can get my beard to reach my

btw: I won't be there...
I met Mike there... funny enough he had me paged to the judge station for crying out loud! LoL.

On another note... I really wasn't myself the entire weekend. I got sick on Saturday... or at least sick feeling. It's been happening quite frequent and with my grandparents being diabetic I'm starting to fear the worst. It felt like I just lost all energy on Saturday during day 1 so it seems that my blood sugar just dropped.

So if anyone saw me sitting down most of the day and wondered why I wasn't working, lol. No it's not because I'm lazy... which I can be... it's because I genually didn't feel well.
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