Creature Swap and Strike Ninja

frostmonarch said:
If I give my opponent Strike Ninja through the use of a Creature Swap, and then my opponent uses Strike Ninja's effect, would the Strike Ninja return to my side or his side because it has been removed from play?

It would return to your opponents side briefly, then, because the effect that brought him to your opponents side has been reset, control would return to the original owner, which would be you.
Im not sure I understand why he would return to your opponents side of the field first and then to yours. Wouldn't he simply return to the owners side of the field directly?
Digital Jedi said:
Im not sure I understand why he would return to your opponents side of the field first and then to yours. Wouldn't he simply return to the owners side of the field directly?
He would return to the opponents side first because he activated his effect. When the monster was removed from play, it was on his opponents side of the field and would be rfg'd on his opponents side.

Returning to the field from rfg, he knows that he was removed from a particular side, so he returns there, but he is no longer bound to remain on that side because he is no longer under the control of Creature Swap, so he returns to his original owner.
I'm not sure that ruling is correct.

By this Reasoning, any monster "Creature Swap"ed and then IMT'ed, would return to it's controller's side of the field and then it's owner's.

I think Strike Ninja remains on his controller's side of the field until he's sent to the graveyard or returned to the hand or RFP by another effect.

But that's just my opinion. I might be wrong.

Dark Ruler Ha Des
chaosruler said:
Creature Swap-ed monsters DO return if they are removed from the field, as the ruling states:Monsters affected by "Creature Swap" do not return to their owner's control at the end of the turn, they stay under the opponent's control until removed from the field or a card effect such as "Remove Brainwashing" says otherwise


Since you reset conditions and effects placed by outside effects when a monster is removed from play, I would think that Creature Swap's effect would be reset and the monster would return to the original owner.

All monsters returned to the Field by IMT return to the controller of IMT's Field as a function of the effect, but will then check to see if it is supposed to be there. At that time, it would return to the original owner.
Monster's effects and conditions being reset is a common cause for quesitons being answered incorrectly on L2-L3 tests by the way.

The only monster's effect that doesn't reset when it's removed from play is Twin Headed Behemoth. (you can still only use his effect once per game)
John Danker said:
Monster's effects and conditions being reset is a common cause for quesitons being answered incorrectly on L2-L3 tests by the way.

The only monster's effect that doesn't reset when it's removed from play is Twin Headed Behemoth. (you can still only use his effect once per game)
Well, other than the obvious statement that is in the card text and not on some obscure Konami Ruling no one ever sees, you almost cant make the mistake that it would reset because of that statement.

You can, however, return him to the field at 1500 attack if you reborn him before the End Phase of the turn. In that case, you could still use his effect if he was destroyed again.
Silently, Stealthly, and Swiftly and I am who I am. I have a mutli-trigger effect, that can be used at any point of danger... for I am the only one who knows myself better than anyone else, don't forget that I... Strike Ninja... is unstoppable, untouchable, invisble, as I elimate my enemies... 1 by 1.... *whoosh* *whoosh* *whoosh* Fuhma Shuriken!

(Villagers witnessed the massacre in the morning, and noticed Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining pinned to the floor by 3 shurikens... with no sign of life left... no movement...)

Any cards that are removed from played or sent to the graveyard for whatever reasons, they are placed into the owner's pile.

The opponent is too weak to tame this power and I serve my 1 and only master... ready for anything...

Unless my opponent is a real jerk, and destroys me with Divine Wrath, Judgment of Anubis, etc. lol :D