Curse of Darkness and Surge of Flash

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New Member
Geeze, ok I have been lookin' forward to two structure decks for quiet some time, and as you can all tell from the title those are the decks.

Curse of Darkness [click for list of cards]
Surge of Light [click for list of cards]

I was wonderin' if anyone knows any real info on these two decks, such as if they are releasing it or not. Structure decks 11 and 12.

Thanks all!
Sorry, those two Decks have not and will not be released.

Any new cards released in those two Decks were instead turned into Secret Rares in the sets "Strike of Neos" and "Force of the Breaker". So we still have access to all the cards we should have; they're just a lot more expensive and difficult to actually find.

I don't know whether it was an attempt to make those two sets (STON and FOTB) more desirable so that sales would be boosted, or whether they thought the cards were too powerful in of themselves to release so freely (but then Vampire World came along, of course), or whether they just decided to be smegheads about the whole thing. It's just ended up like this, and there's nothing we can do. All we can hope for are some more common reprints somewhere down the line.
Its funny now, cause now that i look at the curse of darkness the only card i wanted then was "Eradication Epidemic Virus," and Crush Card... but now... i can get three of the eradication epidemic virus for 1.99 + shippin', along with a Crush Card for 18.95 + shippin', so really my g[ive a]f[*ck]f[actor] is down
if you know where to get a crush for so cheap please let us in on it. because ebay is only is only promoting gold packs with the chance to pull a crush for that much and that will probably not get you a crush. crushes generally go for $200-250. there were a couple that went for $150 but that is if your lucky.
well the auction went up by the time i got back to it... so my hopes went ker-splat like a watermellon being hit by a mallet. So its gone now... it was on ebay, i should say and it had a buy now offer. If I see anything about crush card cheap i will throw down a link... but otherwise... i got nothing... damn crush card why must you be sooooo much money...

12.00 for a blowback dragon, good or bad offer?
Yeah, most of those cards were Secret Rares, which is really starting to piss me off, as every god damn Fairy card I need left are friggin Secrets. I need Dark Lord Zerato, for one thing, but the jackasses on ebay want $50+ for him. Not to mention all of the remaining Fairies I need from TDG range around $80.
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