Cyberdark Impact: the deck!!


New Member
K, so I've been twiddling with my thumbs for a while now ( you know exams and all, btw hope they all went well for everybody!) and I've decided to work with the cyberdarks once again. However, that's only because TAEV is bringing out some nice cards that support the theme. Anyway I've already come up with a raw version of the deck. Any rates are always welcome, but fixes are even more appreciated :p . So here's what it will/should(?) look like (for now):

Monsters: 21

3x Cyber Dragon
1x Jinzo
2x Cyberdark Horn
2x Cyberdark Edge
2x Cyberdark Keel
3x Masked Dragon
1x Twin-Headed Behemoth
3x Hound Dragon (TAEV)
2x Exploder Dragon
2x Cyber Phoenix
1x Morphing Jar

( Card Troopers will be added if I can get a hold of a pair :D )

Spells: 16

2x Cyberdark Impact! (TAEV)
1x Future Fusion
1x Overload Fusion
1x Limiter Removal
1x Giant Trunade
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Smashing Ground
1x Premature Burial
1x Enemy Controller
2x Creature Swap

Traps: 3

1x Ring of Destruction
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Deck Devastation Virus

Fusion Deck: 8

2x Cyber End Dragon
2x Cyberdark Dragon
2x Chimeratech Overdragon
2x Cyber Twin Dragon
No response yet? Thought I should also consider Giant Trunade en maybe even ditch Jinzo to make room for hand disruption like Trap Dustshoot.

Any thoughts?
Thnx in advance.
trade one of the hound dragons for an infernal dragon
i dont see any exploder dragons...i found the extra destruction helpful...
as for reasonings... you dont want to spcl summon horn,edge,or keel...i'd say a morphing jar -dump & reset...
3 traps & jinzo is good - sometimes i would get run over and found kaiser glider did help....mostly depended on matchup...
your deck is skewed can also skew dragon with dragon's mirror & 5 headed dragon as well... personal taste...
its a fun deck for sure - but put 5 headed dragon in fusion deck...
since you only run 1 of each cyberdark... you arent likely to overload for the fusion cyberdark...yer using the taev cyberdark impact...
for me future fusion was only used for machines when i could turn tide or swing for game...( there's yer giant t/heavy) otherwise i targeted 5 headed to thin deck by 5 dragons and make sure my cyber darks had good targets ... also opens door for 5 headed/dragons mirror...if skewed dragon...
i like creature swap in the deck as well... works with the recruiters and if you are forced to set a cyberdark...
as with anything - side is impt...
one last thing...DDV is pretty easy to get off in this deck.... often twice...very nasty...high risk = high reward.....
i suppose ccv would be pretty good here too... but.... :huh
The only thing i can suggest is a exploder dragon and an infernal dragon and add more food for cyber dark dragon...thats wat infernal is for

but the biggist thing nedded is a Five-headed Dragon and sum more dragons (dump some of the magics) because once he dies he become food for cyberdark dragon 6000 plus what ever you have in your graveyard also if you future him there goes 5 lvl 3's right there

Ps. pot of Avarice wont work good in this deck because you need stuff in your graveyard for overload
Thnx alot you guys, you're really helpin' me out here. Other rates and fixes are always welcome though. As for the Five-Headed Dragon, I kinda don't have it :D . I've made some changes to the deck, which you'll notice if you scroll to my first post with the originaldecklist (I'll be editing all changes there)
Thnx so far.
I would leave the Hound dragons there.... they are a level 3 dragon which work wonderful with Cyberdark Keel, Edge, and the other one.... that would boost them each to a 4 star 2500 atk monster... oh ya.... ....

I like the DDV in there too...

I have looked at the synergy this deck has, and it appears to me that its will be swarm swarm swarm...... and it seems to have the strength to beat your opponent down as well..... I DO have a suggestion tho, and it would bring u up to 42 cards, but I like that number anyway..... lol....

+2 DDV .... U will have plenty of pain to dish out to them ... however, if you dotn like those, I would add
+2 Rush Recklessly

That way when you are caught ... well..... u know what they are for... plus its a quickplay, so u can chain it if necessary....

hope my little bit of input helps....

PS... PLZ check out my Frosty is cool deck... thx
The Hound Dragons are actually a personal favorite of mine, I mean lV 3 and 1700 ATK? That'll turn any Cyberdark into a monarch-killer. The problem however is that in this deck, they're simply not searchable. Masked Dragon only searches out dragons with 1500ATK or lower and no other engine can search out ONLY lv3 monsters. So it's probably better to stay at 2 Hound Dragons, for now at least. As for DDV or RR, I have yet to test it, so I'll get back on that once I've tested it properly.

Thnx for your input and ideas, they're really helpful.
the hounds and infernals not being searchable are why i use things like morphing jar, future fusion targeting 5 headed, and card destrustion....your games go getter with a full added bonus is when ff is activated - it causes opponent to use whatever back row destruction he has...helps down road with ddv and visa versa...a tough choice for opponent- save back row destruction for ddv or ff and other things are safer....
i also have to say - this is one of the few decks where ddv really belongs...horn, edge, keel, infernal, 5 headed, cyberdark, and chimeratech, are all viable for ddv... throw in things like creature swap, snatch steal, limiter and rush and you are using opponents stuff against him.... go ahead flip that dekoichi - i have plans for him...i main deck 1 ddv and side another...
Thanks, as you can see I've made some changes to the above decklist. However, I'm not too sure 'bout the use of infernal dragon. Obviously it'll work nicely with DDV, but I fail to see wat other advantages it can offer. Sure you can fill the deck with dragons if you keep tributing them to re-summon ID over and over, but that would mean wasting your normal summons as well. Am I missing something?

As for the Rush, I do want to include them in the deck but I'm not too sure wicht cards to drop. Any thoughts on that?

infernal dragon - when destroyed ( by battle,or effect) and sent to graveyard- lets you immediately send a monster on your field to grave to special summon him back to field...does not use another normal summon and works on either players turn... combo's nicely with creature swap im mp2 as well...since he will be destroyed after attacking in end phase - allowing the swap again...get it? it allows some of the tricks used for spirit monsters - only you can at times put it back on your field at the cost of a monster you may want in your graveyard anyway...also - since you dont have any 5 headed or kaiser glider for when fusion cyberdark hits field the infernals will put him @ 3000 atk - fairly respectable...
and finally id is a lv 4 dark 2k can set it and ddv first turn.... pardon my snicker when that gadget is summoned...also essential for morphing jar mindgames in a deck where you dont set much...

also think about running a few more cyberdarks... esp if you use card troopers...they only get effect to equip when normal summoned...
Right, now it makes more sense to me as to why I should include Infernal Dragon, thanks.

In regard to your remark to play more Cyberdarks, I agree that it might prove to be useful. However, I honestly don't see any options for monsters or other cards to drop to add additional Cyberdarks. Besides, the basic Cyberdarks aren't a win condition either. Basically they're nasty monsters for beatdown purposes:) , the finishing blow will most likely be delivered by either Chimeratech or Cyberdark Dragon.
Please feel free to comment.
you are right - as is, now - without the hounds - the cyberdarks cant get past monarchs...a problem...jinzo, kaiser glider, exploder dragon, book of moon, enemy controller, and the usual power cards are necissary to get it done...mano a mano - nope...the fusions do become the heavy hitters...dont be afraid of cyber twin or the 5 headed either....i know you said you didnt have them - but they're not too hard to get....ive been toying with the idea of using megamorph in this deck...if mst and heavy are gone - it could be a game breaker...comboing as a slow shrink or putting a cyberdark horn @ 4400 with pierce...especially if i put giant trunade in with it.....
but i wont be able to try it until next weekend...ah well...keep fiddling :)

a bit more food for thought... be sure you have dimension fusion & rfddd in your side deck... better players will side in removal packages against you...makes it tough...
I would TAKE OUT infernal dragon. It's a LV4 dragon, doesn't fit the Cyberdark bill. Yeah, keep at least 1 Hound Dragon, it's the best thing to equip your Cyberdark (going for a whooping 2500ATK with that thing)

A bit more Cyberdark monsters. Probably more Horn, since that's the best one. Really, just 1x of one Cyberdark each is not that good IMO, at least run 3x Horn. Of course, with that much Cyberdark, probably 2x Card Trooper is a nice idea for pot-luck dragon dumping.

I would say TAKE OUT UFO Turtle. (and reduce Cyber Phoenix down to 2x) I know, UFO Turtle can search Masked Dragon or Cyber Phoenix. But I would take them out to put more dragons and Cyberdarks. And then you can throw in Dragon's Mirror or something. (Just run alot of dragons, and you don't have to worry about not having enough in the graveyard) So like 3x Masked Dragon, 3x Exploder Dragon, 1x Twin-headed, and then 1~2x Hound Dragon. That's more then enough for 1x Dragon's Mirror without a worry about no dragons in grave.

Just IMO suggestions.
Yeah the Infernal Dragon has been an issue for a while now:) . Seems to me kinda depends on your own personal preference since opinions about it are near 50-50. Your other modifications do make sense, however since I don't have Five-Headed dragon I tend To keep the deck more machinebased. I did make some changes to the decklist above so do let me knwo what you think of it.
P.S.: thnx for your help