Cybernetic Cyclopean vs. Blade Knight

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Did somebody say you could get it with Sangan? :rolleyes:

Come on guys, you know just as well as I do that it all depends on what your trying to do. The ONLY reason one is better over the other is if it fits the Deck Type your running. Blade Knight might have, at face-value, more to his effect, but a lot of good he does you in your Earth/Beast Deck where he's unsearchable by your Giant Rats, your Sangan and gets no boost from your Earth/Beat-Warrior support. It's all a matter of what your trying to do. Not whether one effect is superior over the other. BLS wasn't much good in Earth Deck either was he?
Digital Jedi said:
Come on guys, you know just as well as I do that it all depends on what your trying to do. The ONLY reason one is better over the other is if it fits the Deck Type your running. Blade Knight might have, at face-value, more to his effect, but a lot of good he does you in your Earth/Beast Deck where he's unsearchable by your Giant Rats, your Sangan and gets no boost from your Earth/Beat-Warrior support. It's all a matter of what your trying to do. Not whether one effect is superior over the other. BLS wasn't much good in Earth Deck either was he?

DJ>all of you.

In Topdeck mode:
Cyclopcean is pullable bye Rat AND Sangan (I'm pretty sure SOMEONE said it was pullable by Sangan, right?). If they killed Sangan, it was likely with a monster. If they killed Rat and you get a search it MUST have been a monster. If it was a monster, it is likely smaller than 2400 ATK. So, pull Clopo(Klopo?), hope to not draw a monster, then lay down the smackdown. In topdeck mode, Clopo beats out Blade Knight every time.

Clopo in hand. S/T in hand. Summon Clopo, set S/T. A 2400 that's immune to Bottomless. If there are monsters other than Clopo, use them and THEN use Clopo. Blade Knight and Clopo are about even here. But I think Clopo still has the edge because he dodeges Bottomless so deftly, and set cards (especially Bottomless) are very common mid game.

Early Game:
Clop has 1400 ATK, 200 DEF, and nothing else. Unless you Kurogane him off for something better, Blade Knight has the winning side every time.
I dunno. I like to play it relatively safe at tournaments. I prefer a card that is less powerful, like Blade Knight, that works everytime than a card like Cyclopean that will not work every time.

That last thing I want is to be lulled into using up my Sangan, or setting/using all the cards in my hand for a measly 2400 atk, when I can use something like Goblin Elite Attack Force without all that. And like others have already said, Blade Knight's best feature is not the attack boost (although that's handy) but his ability to negate effects.
I've already made this discussion thread on Yugioh Realms. Here's a link.

It basically comes down to preference. I've been testing out both and Blade Knight for me has been working better. Cyclopean is great in those major Top Decking situations. But overall Blade Knight IMO is far more superior.
uhh, is cyclops really immune to BTH when he recieves the boost?
I don't think so, but i could be wrong, any one would care to verify?

And I seriously would not consider pulling this card with Sangan unless it gets me the win, regardless of early/mid/late game, like I rather be holding a cyber/morphing rather than a beatstick.
what their refering too is the battle of top decks.

both in a battle of top deck get hurt by Bottomless Trap Hole. there is no and its or buts about it. both of them.

now when you arnt battling for a top deck and still have a hand, the cyclop dodges the bottomless. easily too. unlike the Blade Knight which it doesnt matter he is always going to get bottomlessed.

this is were it comes down to.


do you like to use light knights that can probably not always negate flip effects?


Do you like to use Brown 1 eyed monsters that can get preaty strong in an instance that can even beat a Goblin Attack Force?

see thats what it comes down to.

if it was me
id use 3x of each lol.

your already downgrading your hand to use Blade Knight, why not use the cyclops with it?
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