Dark world and rituals....

Another stupid question coming your way....

Do the dark world monsters effects activate when sent from the hand to the grave by the effect of a ritual spell card?
I'm sorry, but Dillie-Os answer is not correct.

There are no costs involved with Ritual Spell Cards. All cards are sent during the resolution of the card effect.

The reason Ritual Spells do not work with "Dark World" monsters is because they all tribute the monsters from the field or hand. "Dark World" does not work when tributed from the hand.

From the UDE Advanced Gameplay FAQ:
UDE Advanced Gameplay FAQ said:
Costs: Fusion Material & Ritual Spell Tributes

Fusion Material Monsters used in a Fusion Summon are NOT a cost.

Monsters Tributed to a Ritual Spell Card for a Ritual Summon are NOT a cost.

Both of these are considered to be cards sent to the Graveyard by the resolution of the Spell Card's effect. So the sending/Tribute is carried out at resolution, not at activation.

This means that if the Ritual Spell Card, or "Polymerization", are negated, or have their effects negated, you do NOT send the Fusion Material/Tributes.

This is also why you can chain "Mask of Restrict" to the activation of a Ritual Spell Card, and prevent the Tribute/Ritual Summon from taking place, because "Mask of Restrict" resolves first, and then prevents the Tribute at resolution of the Ritual Spell Card.
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