DarkMagicUser's Trade Thread

Hey DMU,

I can help you with Necrovalley(Super) X2. Let me know if you are currently hunting for anything else that isn't already listed.

I am interested in:
Needle Burrower (Any KA-2 Des Scissors?)
Yamata Dragon

Let me know either here or at the Lair. I may not be back online for a day or two.

Edit: How 'banged up' is the Mirror Force?
Major Update

Hello all. I've been a player of this game for a couple of years but have decided its time to retire. I'll be keeping 2-3 decks, but the rest of my collection is going.

Right now I have settled on keeping a Horus deck and a Dark World Deck. The third is undecided, but I might do a Relinquished/Chaos deck (ignoring the current bans of course).

So I've updated my wants and my list and I am looking to comple my two decks, so please refer to my list for my wants.

Thanks all, it's been a good run.

I have Deck Devastation, Cyber Twin x 2, Goldd.
Interested in Zaborg (TP 8), Jinzo, United We Stand and banged up Mirror.

I can be reached at drwaventx@yahoo.com or I'll watch for your reply. Let me know what else we can work out.
Of those I can easily trade the Jinzo (Tin Version). The Zaborg TP8 will be harder to get, and I am selling the UWS and have traded the Mirror Force (sorry).

So Jinzo for Goldd and Deck Devastation Virus? I could do that.

I value the Zaborg more than the Cyber Twins.
DarkMagicUser said:
Of those I can easily trade the Jinzo (Tin Version). The Zaborg TP8 will be harder to get, and I am selling the UWS and have traded the Mirror Force (sorry).

So Jinzo for Goldd and Deck Devastation Virus? I could do that.

I value the Zaborg more than the Cyber Twins.

Sounds good for the trade of Jinzo...how much for the United? Do you have any other Zaborg's for trade?
So my Tin Jinzo for your Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World and Deck Devastation Virus is a deal, and you'll have to send first via the ref rule.

I'm selling the UWS for $10 as part of a bunch of others to a friend, so he's got first dibs.

No other Zaborgs for trade, it's my only copy. And my best TP card.
DarkMagicUser said:
So my Tin Jinzo for your Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World and Deck Devastation Virus is a deal, and you'll have to send first via the ref rule.

I'm selling the UWS for $10 as part of a bunch of others to a friend, so he's got first dibs.

No other Zaborgs for trade, it's my only copy. And my best TP card.

Not a problem sending first but don't know about ref rule. I will send in a top loader and padded envelope to help with damage control. Just need to know where to send. By the way, would you be willing to throw in a Yamata Dragon with the Jinzo for the Goldd and Deck Devastation? Let me know about the mail aspect.
I think I can throw in a Yamata. I'll have to check and make sure I'm not selling it first (I'm selling one - can't recall if he's getting 2).

The Ref rule is basically a system of trader feedback, kinda like ebay seller feedback. Whoever has the least number of "transactions" sends first. I have 2, so far this will be your first one.

Hope that helps explain it.

I'll PM you my address.
Adding to the list: Rainbow Dragon 1st Edition Ghost Rare. I really like this card so it'll be tough to get, but for the right offer, I'm willing. Also I would prefer not to send it first.

Interested in:

Card Trooper x2

Ill Blud x1-2

Crystal Seer x1-2

Raiza the Storm Monarch x 2-3

...and offers. Thanks for looking!
How would you feel about....

Zombie Master x 2

Doom Shaman-Ultimate x1

Chthonian Dragon x 1

Gemini Summoner x 1

Let me know....

*edit...I could also do a Desert Twister with 1 Zombie Master instead of 2 Zombie Masters.

Ult Fusillier Dragon, the Dual Mode Beast 1/e
Right Arm of the Forbidden One LOB 1/e
Exodia the Forbidden One LOB (have MC1 Exodia Head in exchange)
/threads/11058#/threads/11058#/threads/11058#Left Leg of the Forbidden One (is it LOB? if not then nm on this one.)


Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World (can try to get)
Cyber Phoenix x1
Enemy Controller x1
Cyber Twin Dragon x2 rare
Cyber End Dragon rare
The Exodia set is traded, but I could trade the ULT Fussilier.

I do have an extra piece of Exodia, I think its one of the legs. All are LOB. So that is for trade as well as the ULT Fusillier.

Also to add to the list is an Ultimate Rare Necro Gardna.
I do have a Messenger of Peace 1/e...it is a little beat up though. Not too bad, but somewhat damaged/creased. An old card, lol. I'll check which extra LOB Exodia piece I have.

I could trade the ULT Fusillier 1/e and Messenger of Peace 1/e for

Gold, Wu-Lord of Dark World
Cyber End Dragon Rare
Cyber Twin Dragon Rare x2
Cyber Phoenix x1 (super?)

Maybe...does that sound good at all? Also, I updated my wants...do you have any of those?
friend didnt want to trade goldd :/ i do have one parallel rare cyber end, if youre interested. counter or lmk?

ULT Fusillier 1/e and Messenger of Peace 1/e (or two unlimited messengers?) for

x3 crystal abundance
Cyber End Dragon Rare
Cyber Twin Dragon Rare x2
Cyber Phoenix x1 (common)