DD Assailant


New Member
The card text says that The card must be destroyed as a result of battle with your opponent's monster, does that mean that both must be destroyed as a result of battle at the same time? IE suicide Assailant into a 1700 monster?
No... The only condition is for "D. D. Assailant" to be destroyed in battle. The effect doesn't care whether the opponent's monster is destroyed or not (which most likely it won't be).
It's not a translation error... just a grammar error to make the text shorter.

Cause do you battle with your opponent's monster and if you are destroyed as a result of that, both monsters are removed.

Had they meant both be destroyed, it would have said "along with"
I think that this card text is nice and short:

"When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, remove this card and the card that this card battled with from play"
chenw said:
I think that this card text is nice and short:

"When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, remove this card and the card that this card battled with from play"

That just makes the text even worse than it was.  Its fine the way it is.  You just have to READ it the way its written. 

If your opponent takes control of Assailant, and rams him into one of your monsters, then the text states that he did battle with a monster on his opponents side of the field, and he may use the effect to remove both if Assailant was destroyed.

The "with" is more like a blanket statement to cover most situations. Destroyed in battle "from", destroyed in Battle at the "same time"...
er... wouldn't my card text have done the same?

it specifically says Your opponent, and in most circumstances, Your means the controller of the card, not the owner...
Only if you like repeating the same word over and over. Most text is horrible only to avoid using "this card" a million times, especially since "this card" can easily be confused.
How about this, I am turn player and I use D.D. to attack an attack mode Bounder. Since, I am the turn player, I decide what to go 1st. Can I remove both cards 1st before I take the damage?
Bounder's effect happens before Damage Calculation, so you would take damage first before you and Bounder are destroyed and removed from play. That's why Dark Ruler Ha Des can still take damage before he negates Bounder's effect to destroy himself.