Deck Challenge for all who are Worthy!


Block Head
I'd like to challenge the people of this site to help me build a deck around Chaosrider Gustoph and Diskblade Rider, as well as any other "biker" type cards that you might be able to think of.

My basic idea for the deck is to fuel Chaosrider and Diskblade by using lots of 1 - 1 cards to full the graveyard, such as: Jar of Greed, Fissure, Smashing Ground, Upstart Goblin, Sak Armor. It should also feature ways of returning these monsters back to the hand or the field so I can use them once they are destroyed.

The monster line up would probably benefit from being Wind Based as both Chaosrider and Diskblade are Wind Attribute monsters. Unless you can think of a better use out of their Fiend and Warrior subtypes.

Another Idea is to use other cards with similar effects as the "Riders" like Dimensional Alchemist to remove mass amounts of cards for hits with Gren Maju Da Eiza or possibly DD Dynamite (some type of heavy hitter that relays on the Graveyard).

I look forward from hearing your ideas for this type of deck. I hope the members of this site are up for the challenge.
Dokurorider, although you probably won't want to play him (6 Stars, 1900 ATK Ritual Monster, no effect). Bazoo the Soul Eater is the third counterpart to the two rider monsters you mention, as it removed Monster Cards to gain ATK (to a maximum of 2500).

Chaosrider Gustaph can only have a maximum of 2000 ATK. When it refers to the cards removed from play, it means the Spell Cards you remove for its effect, and only the ones you remove that time. Cards that have been removed for previous uses of its effect don't matter. So no, not as good a card as you think.

Diskblade Rider is a bit better, since people tend not to recycle Trap Cards, so after they've been used they just sit in the Graveyard for the rest of the Duel. Might as well use them for something, and giving a 500 ATK boost to a monster (to 2200 ATK) is nice enough.

Gren Maju Da Eiza is a good combo with these cards, although these two monsters (the riders) are quite slow at getting to it. Cards like Soul Release and Gold Sarcophagus work much faster to get lots of removed cards to boost Da Eiza.

Also, note that D.D. Dynamite counts the number of your opponent's removed from play cards, NOT yours.

Personally, I would see the rider cards as setting up a lot of removed from play cards, so that you can use them to your advantage in other ways (Return from the Different Dimension, Da Eiza, D.D. Borderline, things like that). So when I think of ways to generate/use lots of removed from play cards, I think of several ways that are better than the riders. And that goes against the rider Deck you're looking for.
Dokurorider, although you probably won't want to play him (6 Stars, 1900 ATK Ritual Monster, no effect). Bazoo the Soul Eater is the third counterpart to the two rider monsters you mention, as it removed Monster Cards to gain ATK (to a maximum of 2500).

Chaosrider Gustaph can only have a maximum of 2000 ATK. When it refers to the cards removed from play, it means the Spell Cards you remove for its effect, and only the ones you remove that time. Cards that have been removed for previous uses of its effect don't matter. So no, not as good a card as you think.

Diskblade Rider is a bit better, since people tend not to recycle Trap Cards, so after they've been used they just sit in the Graveyard for the rest of the Duel. Might as well use them for something, and giving a 500 ATK boost to a monster (to 2200 ATK) is nice enough.

Gren Maju Da Eiza is a good combo with these cards, although these two monsters (the riders) are quite slow at getting to it. Cards like Soul Release and Gold Sarcophagus work much faster to get lots of removed cards to boost Da Eiza.

Also, note that D.D. Dynamite counts the number of your opponent's removed from play cards, NOT yours.

Personally, I would see the rider cards as setting up a lot of removed from play cards, so that you can use them to your advantage in other ways (Return from the Different Dimension, Da Eiza, D.D. Borderline, things like that). So when I think of ways to generate/use lots of removed from play cards, I think of several ways that are better than the riders. And that goes against the rider Deck you're looking for.

Yes I know all of this actually, I just didn't remember DDD quit right, but I did know the rest of it. I'm sort of a RFP master so I've created such a large number of decks that revolve around it that I have most of the key cards memorized.

I've always liked Gustaph and when Diskblade came out I automatically wanted to run some kind of biker deck (obviously not to be competitive but to have alot of fun with) so I started up with ideas on how to make the deck work. And while its true that Chaosrider Gustaph and Diskblade rider doesn't remove as much as quickly as Soul Release, it does have the potential to remove more over time (Gustaph only needs 3 turns on the field to net a profit over Soul Release).

I actually ran the Riders in a Macro build of mine and they did more good for me then the Macro itself did (I don't run the typical Macro deck, its more used to power up Gren Maju then the normal Macro/Monarch builds). I know the Riders have some kind of potential its just the matter of embracing it.

So a few cards to think about for the build:
Chaosrider Gustaph
Diskblade Rider
Flying Kamakiri #1
Bazoo the Soul Eater
Dimensional Alchemist
Gren Maju Da Eiza
Chaos End
Chaos Greed
1-1 Magic/Trap Cards
just as a reference in case anyone wants to know:
Diskblade Rider
Effect Monster (Fiend / WIND / 4 Stars / ATK 1700 / DEF 1500)

Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Normal Trap Card from your Graveyard. This card gains 500 ATK until the End Phase of your opponent's turn.

Chaosrider Gustaph
Effect Monster (Warrior / WIND / 4 Stars / ATK 1400 / DEF 1500)

By removing from play up to 2 Spell Cards in your Graveyard, increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each card removed from play, until the end of your opponent's next turn. This effect can only be used once during your turn.

a good way to stall with chaosrider would be to use d.d. borderline:
D.D. Borderline
Continuous Spell

While there are no Spell Cards in your Graveyard, neither player can conduct their Battle Phase.
another way to remove spell cards from game would be to use spell striker.
since chaosrider is also a warrior, (assuming you have either monster in hand), rota for the other one, special summon striker by removing rota, and normal summon chaosrider

as for fueling your grave, full compliments of foolish burial, card destruction, morphing jar.
or run it with lightsworn monsters (probably just ryko and lyla and a single ehren) as they can fuel your grave pretty quick.

if you wanted, you could also run hamon as he sends 3 spells just to special summon him.

a tricky normal trap you could run is metalmorph.

if you wanted to make it a monsterless grave game, also run a dimensional fissure.
and for a defensive lock, also run gravekeeper's servant (both continuous spells (hamon anyone?)) as for recycling chaosrider, diskrider, you could try using ducker from LODT.
or for field presense, use soul rope (one of 2 promo cards coming out in the LODT special edition).
Ok, here is a rough draft that I just put together. Tell me what you think.

Monsters - 20
Gren Maju Da Eiza x3
Chaosrider Gustaph x3
Diskblade Rider x3
Bazoo the Soul Eater x3
Flying Kamakiri #1 x3
Silpheed x2
Desert Twister x2
Raiza the Storm Monarch

Magic - 13
Chaos Greed x2
Chaos End x2
Monster Reincarnation x2
Soul Release x2
Monster Reborn
Smashing Ground
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm

Trap - 7
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Jar of Greed x2
Return from the Different Dimension
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force

Total Cards - 40