deck devastation virus


New Member
Hello, i've 2 questions:
1) I have broww in my hand and my opp. plays deck devastation virus. I have to discard(?) broww to the graveyard. Do i get his effect?
2) My opp tribute summons goldd. Then it's my turn. I draw a card and then my opp. activates deck devastation virus. How many turns does DDV have to destroy my monsters? (is it another 2 turns after the turn that ddv has been activated? or more?)
1) I have broww in my hand and my opp. plays Deck Devastation Virus. I have to discard(?) broww to the graveyard. Do i get his effect?
It's destroyed, not discarded. So no.

2) My opp tribute summons goldd. Then it's my turn. I draw a card and then my opp. activates Deck Devastation Virus. How many turns does DDV have to destroy my monsters? (is it another 2 turns after the turn that ddv has been activated? or more?)
I would assume he would get only two more shots.