deck for regionals.

Sakura Sakamoto

Active Member
this deck is the deck i plan to take to the regionals this saturday
i just want some opinons and ideas that could maybe improve it
because it seems to working pretty well.
deck 40 was 41 but i took out dark world dealings.
tribute monsters 7
3 cyber dragon
1 dark magicain of chaos
2 mobius the frost monarch
1 jinzo

non tribute 9
3 cyber pheonix
1 sangan
1 treeborn frog
1 neo-spacian grand mole
1 d.d warrior lady
1 d.d assailant
1 injection fairy lily

spells 17
2 brain controll
1 soul exchange. alternating with a third brain control at the moment
1 snatch steal
3 enemy controller
2 smashing ground
1 nobleman of crossout
1 heavy storm
1 mystical space typhoon
1 premature burial
2 metamorphasis
1 scapegoat
1 swords of reavling light

traps 7
1 mirror force
1 ring of destruction
1 torrential tribute
1 bottomless trap hole
2 sakuretsu armor
1 call of the haunted

fusion monsters

1 cyberend dragon
2 cybertwin dragon
2 king dragun
1 dark blade the dragon knight
2 dark balter the terrible
2 fiend skull dragon
First off, I'd send the Mobius' to the side deck along with Grand Mole. Main deck two Zaborgs and a Wildheart instead. Wildheart is great for Gadget decks. DMOC is a tough choice in your build, this format is pretty fast and it's tough to get two monsters on the field and then want to tribute them instead of just swinging with them. If you can get Pulling the Rug, sidedeck two copies for heavy Monarch builds. 3 Controllers also might be a little much, take one out for Confiscation. Also, be prepared to see Shrinks, since they showed up in stores this week.