Demise OTK

- a steelcage & add messenger of peace...if you have ability to attack for game but cant rid yourself of a cage it could let opponent off hook and since you can choose not to pay for messenger of peace - the lack of removal wont cost you a turn or two which lets opponent draw into his win cond...yet gadgets all >1500...
i'm thinking 3 might belong - waboku (offense & defense), rfdd,and solemn judgement - but for the life of me i cant figure what to take out - and since extra cards definately dont belong in this deck....
sigh - hmm swap roar for a waboku? being chainable waboku might offer something....and it can suicide 2400 attackers and keep yours on field= more utility....i guess thats what side decks are for....and (agreeing with dillio) i also think megamorph is a good idea... a 3000 atk wildheart (makes me snicker just thinking about it...) that's a beatstick :D
I'm actually running an Advanced Ritual Art, Demise, Doom Dozer deck tomorrow at SJC Columbus, I was thinking about posting it here before going, but maybe I'll wait now....
MODS, no need for the thread as i took off the deck, Either Delete or Lock please. (Perferably Delete).

I will be posting this deck again when its finished, but that wont be a for while.
