Des Frog


New Member
Need help with ideas and stragies to build a deck around this wonderful Frogs :p

4 cards that i whann use in deck:

Des Frog

Effect Monster
Aqua / WATER / 5 Stars
ATK: 1900 DEF: 0

When this card is Tribute Summoned successfully, you can Special Summon "Des Frog"(s) from your hand or Deck up to the same number of "T.A.D.P.O.L.E."(s) in your Graveyard.

Effect Monster
Aqua / WATER / 1 Star
ATK: 0 DEF: 0

When this card on your side of the field is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to your Graveyard, you can add any "T.A.D.P.O.L.E."(s) from your Deck to your hand. Then shuffle your Deck.

Des Croaking
Normal Spell

You can only activate this card when there are 3 face-up "Des Frog" on your side of the field. Destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field.

Hell Alliance (comming in Elemental Energy)
Equip Spell

The attack strength of this equipped monster is increased by 800 for each monster with the same name as the equipped monster on the field.

3x Mother Grizzly (Searches T.A.D.P.O.L.E and Poison Draw Frog)
3x Poison Draw Frog (Draw Power)
2x-3x Spiritual Water Art - Aoi (Hand control)
2x-3x Spirit Barrier (Protect your LPs with Draw Frog and T.A.D.P.O.L.Es)
1x-2x Mobius the Frost Monarch (Desrtoy 1-2 spell/trap opp. cards)
3x Nightmare Penguin (Bounce your opponent's cards on the field to their hand)
1x Torrential Tribute
1x-3x Giant Trunade (bounce all s/t cards to owners' hand)
1x-3x Yomi Ship (monster removal)
3x Umiiruka (boost all Water monsters atk by 500 points)
2x Terraforming (Get out Umiiruka faster)
1x Mystical Space Typhoon (S/T Removal)
2x-3x Dust Tornado (S/T Removal)
2x-3x Salvage (Get Nightmare Penguin back from your graveyard)

Basically use defense and draw power first, then when you get Des Frog, use its effect, Clear your opponent's S/T cards, then use the power boost of Umiiruka, for a OTK.
You can't use Delt Attacker, Cuz Des Frog is not a normal monster. Ne wayz with Mobius and the speed of this deck, you will get Des Croaking right away. And all the bouncage, and control this deck should be safe from attacks, for a while.

Here's an example of the deck I made of it.

Totat Monsters: 17

Tribute Monsters:5
3|Crv|Des Frog
2|Sd4|Mobius the Frost Monarch

Non-Tributes: 12
3|Mrl|Mother Grizzly
3|Crv|Poison Draw Frog
3|Rds|Nightmare Penguin

Spells: 16
3|Crv|Des Croaking
1|Lob|Dark Hole
2|Mrl|Giant Trunade
1|Fet|Lightning Vortex
1|Sye|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Sd4|Premature Burial

Traps: 7
1|Psv|Call of the Haunted
3|Crv|Spiritual Water Art - Aoi
2|Sod|Spirit Barrier/or 2 |Db1| Dust Tornado
1|Sd4|Torrential Tribute