Different Dimension Dragon DCR-015

Different Dimension Dragon
LIGHT/µµµµµ/Dragon/1200 ATK/1500 DEF
This card cannot be destroyed by the effect of a Spell or Trap Card that does not target it. This card is not destroyed as a result of battle against a monster with an ATK of 1900 or less.

Surprisingly I didn't see a thread about this card yet. So here we go:

The "Spirit Reaper of Dragons" this card has the ability to withstand attacks from some of the mediocre hittters. Unfortunatly he has one of the lowest ATKs, if not THE lowest ATK of any five star monsters I've seen. But does that make him all bad?

The fact that he is invulnerable to non-targeting Spell and Trap Cards makes his usefulnes a bit more agreeable. Some cards that won't destroy Different Dimension Dragon include:
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Hammer Shot
Smashing Ground

I've been considering running one of him in my own Jank Deck just for his invulnerabiltiy to these kinds of effects. But that ability to tribute one monster makes it a bit questionable. What are your thoughts? Where has he proved useful in your builds?
kagadesires said:
Labrynth Wall much?

Don't forget, level 5 is morph friendly like a mutha (Balter, Reaper on the Nightmare, Fiend Skull Dragon, Cyber Saurus...). Plus he can be searched by Shining Angel. He might as well be a Spirit Reaper to everything level 4 or lower in this environment, minus Berserk, Slate, Blade, and a Breaker with a counter.

DDD=Awesomeness that isn't ment to attack.

Only a flip summoned Slate Warrior, a 1 card Blade Knight, and a Berserk can kill him. Breaker w/ a counter won't, he survives when a 1900 attacks him.

I would love to run him in my Jank Deck. But I worry about those five stars. Hate to be stuck with him in my hand for so many turns.
Not to mention, being a dragon monster, obviously Lord of D. will assist making this monster VERY difficult to destroy.

I was considering making a dragon deck with a couple of these DDD's in it...I KNOW I have 1, but I can't seem to find it in my spares...tisk, have to look again. Though, not to be cynical, but wouldn't DDD had been better off with an Obnoxious Celtic Guardian effect? Just saying that even though DDD is searchable by the previously mentioned monsters (MD and SA) for a 1 tribute monster of such low attack, maybe it would have been better with the effect as "by a monster of 1900 ATK or more) rather than 1900 or less. Obviously vs a cookie cutter chaos (grumble...faced one of those today...I SHALL STRIVE TO MAKE AN ANTI-CHAOS DECK!!! JUST YOU WAIT!) it still wouldn't be a match (due to quite a few 1900 < atk monsters in the usual set-up) but at least it'd have more lastibility (e.g. if bumped with an equip card...assuming NOT using a Lord of D.)

Anyways, that's my $16.12 worth.