Digital Jedi's Fantasy Card Reviews

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Digital Jedi

Staff member
I've got a few of these coming down the pike, but this is the first.

Thought I'd post a new every once in a while.

Yes, I am the illustrator on the card.

Comments are welcome, but please be kind. This is just me dreaming a little here. When I get the next few done there should be a Jedi Knights or The Light Side and a Galactic Scoundrels Team Affiliation. I've also got a Plot Twist or two in mind. My mind just keeps raging. Feel free to take the basic idea and run with it if you happen to be handy in the art department. Doesn't have to be Star Wars but make it something no one would have ever thought of before.

Intoducing the 5 Drop Darth Maul

Well, I am pretty much done with Maul for right now. Tilting his saber would be more involved then what I want to go into right now, as I would have to redraw the fist at a different angle, then ink it, then scan it in, position it, then recolor it. Whew! I have other things I've gotten into at the moment. Of course, his saber is so long it would't fit at any angle. (Foreshortening? What's that? :p)
No not Star Wars per se. I was just saying if you wanted to make an original VS Card and post it here then that would be welcome too.
Actually I think avengers is due in the next Marvel Set. But I'm acatully going to stay away from Marvel, DC and any of the rumored new licences.

I know its been a while but i'm still working on a new one of these, I promise. ;)
This is a test of the Emergency Brodcast System. The broadcasters in your area, in cooperation withh . . . No . . . wait. I've had to instal an older verison of Photoshop cause I can't find my newer copy, so I made this real quick to see if I could still work with the old one. Looks like I can. But this is by no means as sharp as I woulds like it. I made it in a hurry.

***removed image to avoid confusion***​
Lets try Death Star II again, only this time with a little more thought put into it. I found my recent copy of Photoshop, so I was able to put forth more effort. I'm going to change Darth Maul up there a little bit as well as soon as I get the chance. I'm going to drop the word "The" from his team affiliation and just make him a Dark Side character. "Dark Side" reads better in text effects without the "The".

I'm giving this location the version Death Star II to prevent me having to have the text "If you control a card named Death Star, KO it." since this way, it gets place in the KO'd pile by mechanics anyway. (Though it isn't KO'd which switches the mechanics of it subtly)


Wait till you see the Palpatines I have in mind. Now THEY are broken. :D
Use the Force Luke!

Oh, I'm working on a new Keyword, incidently. Not quite refined yet. But I thought I'd share my current thoguhts with you. This will only be applied to Sith and Jedi respectively:

Dark Force. (This character may be the target of force cards and may attack as though it has flight and range. If this character is targeted by a force card you may exhaust target character.)

Light Force. (This character may be the target of force cards and may attack as though it has flight and range. If this character is targeted by a force card you may ready target character.)

Force cards will be similar to construct plot twists, only their targets may only be charatcers with either Dark Force or Light Force. Depending on what sources I draw inspiration from, then force cards will almost invariably be plot twists. (Some expanded universe concepts might allow for force equipments or force locations, but I can't think of any at the moment.)
I am definitely in need of a new monitor. If anyone could do me a favor, let me know when you see shading problems. I'm on a hotel computer at the moment, and I can now see the glaring block shape around the Death Star. But at home this looks solid black. My monitor is defenitly too dark. Not to mention the card backing itself seems a bit too bright. I'm going to have to break down and get decent monitor.
No, see, that's an old version from when I was testing my computer and Photoshop after it had to be restored. The Death Star that follows it is the one I'm going with.

I had someone mention that, too. But Death Star II simply cannot be non-unique, as there was only ever one Death Star II in the Star Wars Saga. Mountain Stronghold is not unique because Ra's has had several Mountain Strongholds (and for that matter Lazurus Pits are found around the world) but there is only ever one Flying Fortress in the DCU, hence it's unique. Effects closely follow the continuity of things in the comic, which is why Kangs are not unique (time traveler with multiple versions of himself), Scarlet Spider makes Spider-Man non unique (reference to the Maximum Clonage saga he was in), Crisis on Infinite Earths makes everyone non-unique (Multiple realties overlaping with different "versions" of people in the same timeline).

The same is true for all non-unique locations. There was more then one in the comic book. Unique Equips follow the same principle. There was only ever one T-Jet, one Quadromobile, one Mobius Chair, well you get the idea. :D
3 Cost Anakin Skywalker - LSW-002

Here's the 3 drop Anakin Skywalker. You know, the more I work on these things the more serious I get about them. One day, if we make enough of these, we should play test them. Blow VS Realms Transformer affiliations out of the water. :D

Wow, that's cool. Nice effect, or whatever it's called in vs. Quick question that may help me understand the game a little better: Isn't that high of a defense a little broken in a 3-drop?

His eyes look kinda . . . -_/o Lol.
Yes, his DEF is rather high for a 3 drop, but not uncommon. The average ATK/DEF for a 3 drop is around 3 to 4 for either stat. But some have insane stats for something that can come out as early as turn 3.

Carol Ferris :vs_diamon Star Sapphire has 1 ATK and 6 DEF which makes her somewhat difficult, though not impossible, to stun early game. Her ATK isn't important because you would be using her power more then anything else, and that would normaly prevent her from attacking when used.

One of my favorit 3 drops is Dr. Bedlam who is a 7 ATK/6 DEF beast on turn 3 in my Darkseid's Elite Deck, but not many people use him because he has a built in stat decreaser which only makes him weaker as the turn progresses. I've built a deck around exploting that though.

And of course, good ole' Xallarap is a ridiculous 9 ATK/9 DEF beat stick who can't even be attack without special modifiers, few of which exist. His catch is that he'll only stay on the field for 1 turn, but there are decks that exploit the loop holes in his power as well.

So Annie is intended for advantage when recruited. I don't believe he's paticularly broken. Not when he can still fall victim to so many other combos in the game. We'll see how the set develops to see how broken Jedi Knights will truly be. I for one don't want them to be silly-broken-ridiculous. But I also don't want them to be lame.

I'm still in the development stages of how a force card will work. I'm pretty sure I want them to be plot twists representing actions performed in the movies and books along with the version "force". We'll see.
I dabble in VS a little so I suggest

Force Kill- KO 1 stunned opp.
Force Heal- Unstun 1 of your men.
I considered some form of recovery option. That would be nasty when comboed with a Light Force option where you ready a character. I would need to create some form of timing or wording element, though, if it is a force card so you could ready the same charatcer. And, of course, I need to make some form of additional cost that isn't uber hard to pull off.

Force Kill sounds like a good option for the Dark Side affiliations. I would probably use scenes from where Vader starts choking people or something similar. Thanks for the suggestions. You've given me some ideas.
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