Divine Wrath
Counter Trap
Discard 1 card from your hand. Negate the activation and the effect of an Effect Monster and destroy the monster.
For starters, "Divine Wrath" has no effect on negating a summon, so "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" would hit the field. You'd have to wait until the player attempted to remove a creature from play in order to use "Divine Wrath" on it. (The other effect that allows him to attack twice is a "continuous" effect).
Now, the archivist team needs to update the RDS rulings so I went straight to the FAQ page. Here you go.
You can activate the effect of "Divine Wrath" to a Flip Effect, Cost Effect, Trigger Effect, or Multi-Trigger Effect. But not to a Continuous Effect. This is because Continuous Effects cannot be chained to.
You can chain "Divine Wrath" to the effect of "The Creator" (Cost Effect), "Fox Fire" when it is Special Summoned (Trigger Effect), "Homunculus the Alchemic Being" (Cost Effect), and monsters like "Element Magician" when it attacks twice.
You cannot chain "Divine Wrath" to Continuous Effects such as: "Perfect Machine King", "Raging Flame Sprite" (either effect), "Jinzo", "Harpie Lady 3", "Fusilier Dragon the Dual-Mode Beast", or monsters like "Element Saurus" that gain ATK continuously.
You can activate "Divine Wrath" during the Damage Step because it is a Counter-Trap.
You can activate "Divine Wrath" to negate an effect that activates in the Graveyard, such as "Witch of the Black Forest", "Electric Snake", and "Sangan".
You can activate "Divine Wrath" when any Union Monster activates its effect to equip itself to another monster, because that is an Cost Effect. However, you cannot activate "Divine Wrath" when a Union Monster Special Summons itself back as a monster, because that is an effect of an Equip Spell Card.
You can activate "Divine Wrath" when a "LV" monster is sent to the Graveyard to Special Summon the next level version (an Cost Effect), and "Divine Wrath" will negate that effect, even though it cannot destroy the "LV" monster because it is already in the Graveyard.
Now, to further look at the 3 you were asking about.
"Sinister Serpent" - His effect is continuous so you cannot chain "Divine Wrath" to it.
"Kuriboh" - His effect is a multi-trigger effect, so yes you can chain "Divine Wrath" and negate the "Reduce damage the player takes for the attack to 0".
"Vampire Lord" - His effect is a trigger effect, so yes you can chain "Divine Wrath" to it and he stays in the graveyard. Further, since (as per the ruling on LV monsters above), you can't "destroy" a monster that is already in the graveyard, "Vampire Lord" will stay in the graveyard.
Quite frankly, this is a very powerful card given the sheer number of effect monsters that are run along with the fact it can be activated anytime as long as it had been set for a turn and traps are not being negated. I would not be surprised to see it Limited (or at least Semi-Limited).
- Andrew