DNA surgery and another..


Mexican Diablillo!!
some question that i have...if u could enlightme,please...

1.- if my oponent has a DNA surgery active on the field, and i activate another DNA surgery, the late one is the one who will declare the type?

and, just to clear it up, 2 cards with the same efect, the late one takes priority??.

outside the topic....how can i take the test to becomes judge lv 1, it asks for a number, but i dont know were to get taht number...i know its not a relevant question, but could someone point me int the right direction?..i would be gratfull for all the help i get. and thakns before hand.
Melchiah76 said:
some question that i have...if u could enlightme,please...

1.- if my oponent has a DNA surgery active on the field, and i activate another DNA surgery, the late one is the one who will declare the type?.


Melchiah76 said:
and, just to clear it up, 2 cards with the same efect, the late one takes priority??.

Correct again.
The last one to resolve would take precedence.

Your Opponent Activates DNA Surgery
You Chain DNA Surgery
No further chaining

Chain Resolves
Your DNA Surgery
Then Your Opponents DNA Surgery

Your opponents DNA Surgery would have last and would be the one that takes . This is called time stamping. Unless I am mistaken...
Yes, the most recent that remains active DNA Surgery on the field takes priority.

I believe that's your number that sign in with when you actually sign in with when you complete the test. I know no other way than taking the Judge's test at a Regional around your area. If a Regional is soon to take place, then you may go there and apply there.

There was a test online for LV. 1 Judges, bu that tes i believe was way too easy, so they took it offline.
Melchiah76 said:
1.- if my oponent has a DNA surgery active on the field, and i activate another DNA surgery, the late one is the one who will declare the type?

and, just to clear it up, 2 cards with the same efect, the late one takes priority??.
Whenever a continuos card effect is activated, it get timestamped. Multiple continuous effects will resolve starting with the oldest timestamp first.
So, you are correct that the latest DNA Surgery will succeed because it is the last one to resolve.
Melchiah76 said:
outside the topic....how can i take the test to becomes judge lv 1, it asks for a number, but i dont know were to get taht number...i know its not a relevant question, but could someone point me int the right direction?..i would be gratfull for all the help i get. and thakns before hand.

As for that part, I'm not suppose to know or tell you on a public forum.....and I can't e-mail you directly here on this forum <hint hint> If you'd PM me I can tell you why....and stuff <humming>
Melchiah76 said:
some question that i have...if u could enlightme,please...
outside the topic....how can i take the test to becomes judge lv 1, it asks for a number, but i dont know were to get taht number...i know its not a relevant question, but could someone point me int the right direction?..i would be gratfull for all the help i get. and thakns before hand.
If you go to any sanctioned UDE event (YGO! or VS) you will get a 9 digit UDE number. That is the number you need. After you fill out the card to get the number, UDE must enter the data. Once the data is entered you can go to the website for the tests and request a password (by clicking on the link that says you forgot your password).

The problem is that the Level 1 YGO! test is no longer available online. They are revamping it and are waiting for approval from Konami before they can put it back online.

Spot's Knight