Essential Signature Resources

Digital Jedi

Staff member


Can't fit all your images into your signature? Do the images you have now look cluttered and ungainly? Solve all your problems with Clintonio's rotating signature hosting.

Take a look at the images above. Now refresh the page. I'll wait ------- Did you see the pictures change? Did you notice my signature image did the same? This is what a rotating signature host can do for you. The top pic is what I use for my MySpace page in place of the default "[User] is in your Extended Network" line of text. The bottom pic you may have seen in my sig on the old forum. Both of these effects and my current sig are done through my account at

Clintonio works just like Photobucket or Image Shack, only you can create folders to store groups of images and your provided a link to an image that will rotate the images in a folder each time the page it's on is loaded. You can create multiple folders, like I did, so I could have one for my MySpace account and one for my signature here. And just like Photobucket and Image Shack, [highlight]it's free[/highlight].

Also a part of your account is free quote hosting. What's that you ask? That's simply a way to create rotating text, much like the images above. For example take a look at the phrase below, and refresh the page again.


Putting simple text in your Quote Hosting folders will generate an image like the one here. You can pick the colors and the background for your text and it will rotate through whatever sayings you have in that particular folder.

Best part, besides this service being free, is you don't have to update your sig on each and every forum you've put it on. Just edit the images or quotes in your folder, adding and removing what you need, and the link will remain the same (unless you decided you want a different folder).

We're going to introducing some stricter signature rules here shortly. So I wanted to give you this chance to maybe scale down and tidy up what you have. Maybe even giving you a few more options then you even have now.

I also be adding a link to Clintonio on the Edit Signature page of your User CP, just for the sake of convenience. I hope you all enjoy this resource as much as I have.
In addition, though I haven't made any final decisions on this yet, but we may be purging the signature database to make sure everyone can start from scratch with the new sig rules. Thanks.