Exodia Turbo: Need Fixes


New Member
I need fixes to this deck to be more competitive and fast...
1 Exodia the Forbidden One
1 Right Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Left Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Right Leg of the Forbidden One
1 Left Leg of the Forbidden One
3 Apprentice Magician*
1 Magician of Faith
2 Manticore of Darkness
1 Morphing Jar
2 Old Vindictive Magician*
1 Sangan
1 Spirit Reaper

1 Book of Moon
3 Card of Safe Return
1 Dark Factory of Mass Production
1 Graceful Charity
1 Level Limit - Area B
1 Monster Reincarnation
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Nightmare Steelcage
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Premature Burial
1 Scapegoat
1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Backup Soldier
2 Generation Shift
1 Gravity Bind
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Threatening Roar*
1 Waboku*

cards with * im thinking of replacing. please give fixes.
Emissary of the Afterlife? I guess. This deck looks pretty solid already.

I guess you'll have problems with Needle Worm, Macro Cosmos decks, though.

Edit: I've been doing this an awful lot. I'm logged into my brother's account -.-
any other tips to improve the stall and speed of this deck? i need to to survive beatdown and aggressive decks and i also need to take into consideration that my opp can be aggressive with -1500 monsters so messenger of peace isnt the best idea... ill put emissary tho.