Fairy cards in Cyber Dark Set?? Also, is it true about a Fairy structure deck?

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I think Marshmallon is a good possibility, if it fits the theme there going for that is. After all, Slate Warrior was a common in the Wind Deck. (cross your fingers ;) )

EDIT: And hey, look what I found

Structure Deck - Wave of Flashing Light (SD11)

Includes 8 new Cards

The Light Attributes have arrived with the main focus being draw effects/recovery effects to advance in battle.

Sounds Promising :D :D
Methinks an Airknight Parshath will feature in that Deck, at the least. Possibly a Skelengel or two too.
Maruno said:
Methinks an Airknight Parshath will feature in that Deck, at the least. Possibly a Skelengel or two too.
A tutu? As in, a Cyber Tutu? I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist :D
Or how about a Zaborg. I mean, we got Testalos and Mobius as structure, mind as well get Zaborg, the current most popular Monarch and it's a light. (Although Granmarg missed his boat on the Earth Structure for some reason)
Jathro said:
A tutu? As in, a Cyber Tutu? I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist :D

Kinda like DJ's "day off"??:p:rolleyes:-:

ironic, considering that last tourney someone actually played that against me. Sommoned it with pride too. Just forgot about the effect conditions. I had a mystic 2 on the field. lol.
Personally, I think that a Guardian Angel Joan and Mystic Wok will be in it, together with cards like Kaiser Sea Horse and (as said before) Airknight Parshath.
I don't see Mystik being in it, but it would fit the supposed theme. As would Guardian Angel Joan. but Parshath? don't see him there. I'd like to, but just don't seem to flow with the LP regen theme.
D.M.E.N. said:
Structure Deck - Wave of Flashing Light (SD11)

Includes 8 new Cards

The Light Attributes have arrived with the main focus being draw effects/recovery effects to advance in battle.
What part of LIGHT monster Draw effect isn't Airknight Parshath?
Airknight's in my aggressive life gain/ Light deck.
Solemn Wishes does make a nica add on to his effect. That could be in there too.
I'm talking about his atk. it's a little low for me. good effect, 'specially with solemn wishes, but i don't think it'll last too long on the field.
He may not have great ATK, but he fits the theme well. Besides, when have Structure Decks used the best cards for the job? They have good cards, certainly, easy to get hold of, but they're not the best cards around for each specific Deck.
Check this out

I DON"T READ JAPANESE! AAAARGGGGHHH! (I can't make out anything besides STRUCTURE DECK :? ) Is that the Promo card on the right? It is an awfully big box, is there anything else included in there?
Looks like an upgrade to Airknight Parshath to me, actually. This Deck might go back to the semi-tradition of creating upgrade monsters (Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, Vampire Genesis, Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus, Dark Eradicator Warlock).
There's a bigger picture of the same monster on the centre of the box. And the style of it looks like Parshath, at least.

1280x1024, 15" monitor if you're interested.
I so hope there is a Dunames Dark Witch in that set. I do not want to pay $40 for a damn card from a greedy ebay seller.
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