Fairy deck - need some help, major help.


HUR!!! CookieSlayer!
i have been trying ta make a fairy deck for the longest time.

i want it structured around light monsters, but not soley around light monsters. mudora is a staple, as is Saturn.

any suggestions?
Don't forget The Agent of Force - Mars! Too good to miss out ^^ Shining Angels and Last Will are a must, for speed and mudora/Mars food/summon. You could either go with the Shinato routin, or go just plain LP Control, but with Saturn in the game I would recomend the second. In any case, The Sanctuary in the Sky is a must, as well as cestus of dagla from spells. Light of judgment can reck your oponents field/hand when you have sanctuary on the field, but I wouldn't sudgest more than 2 of them. And a solemn wishes for easy lp gain

Other monsters to consider are Hysteric Fairy, guardian angel joan, Venus and her balls (no pun intended :O), and Nimble Momonga for some sweat and quick LP gain.

That's all that comes in mind thus far... :haveaday

PS. BTW Mayra says welcome (so do I guess...)
i had thought about Joan, but with her being a 2-sac monster, it seems to much trouble. Momonga is something to consider. I'll try out the mars and venus combo. Never thought about last will though. Shinato would be good for getting fairies to the graveyard though, and if that's the case, then maybe Joan isn't such a bad idea. hmmm...... Thanks for the suggestions! *pulls out notepad* now, just let me jot those down...