FienDillie-O: Kozaky the Triumphant - Legacy


Council of Heroes
Well, technically I have a thread on this deck already, but it is pretty ancient and I don't want to be accused of Necrothreading 8^D That said, the recent ban lists and such has made me re-evaluate this deck yet again, and I'm looking for some final touches since I can't quite seem to get consistency out of it. Here's what things are looking like:

Deck Name: FienDillie-O: Kozaky the Triumphant
Count: 42

Monsters: 18

Destiny Hero - Dasher
Lava Golem
Dark Ruler Ha Des

Amazoness Swords Woman
Dark Mimic LV3
Des Wombat
Giant Kozaky x3
Giant Orc x2
Kozaky x2
Mask of Darkness
Mystic Tomato x2
Spirit Reaper

Spells: 16
Book of Moon
Chain Strike
Creature Swap x2
Emergency Provisions
Giant Trunade
Magical Mallet x2
Messenger of Peace
Mystic Box x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Swords of Revealing Light
The Shallow Grave

Traps: 8
Barrel Behind the Door
Call of the Haunted
Deck Devastation Virus x2
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Magic Cylinder
Solemn Judgment

Side Deck: 15
Side Deck: 15
A Cat of Ill Omen
Barrel Behind the Door
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Dark Necrofear
Dust Tornado
Fake Trap
Giant Orc
Goblin Elite Attack Force x2
Mirror Force
Sakuretsu Armor
Skill Drain x3

I've decided to leave the trap negation out at this point and go with the Dark Ruler. I'm kind of wanting to squeeze a Night Assailant / Monster Reincarnation into the mix, but I'm not sure what I could/should drop at this point.

I've also pondered (thanks to some suggestions) dropping the Wombat and something else to increase the Orc and Swordswoman count. Those two cards prove to be quite reliable in the event the Kozaky Nuke isn't happening.

I've also been wondering about migrating Spell Shield Type 8 into the mix, given the current meta. Reaper could go out for Magician of Faith? Though in my last testing of this deck. Reaper saved me over and over again with some dead draws.

The side deck is still looking Skill Drain, though I'd LOVE to make the side deck swap into a Kozaky feature, using Symbols of Duty and Amulet of Ambition, though I'm not sure to finalize it.

As always, thoughts and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.