FienDillie-O: Kozaky the Triumphant


Council of Heroes
EDIT: Deck updated 8/11/2005 thanks to YOUR input! A little bit of a trap swap and the Night Assailants have been dropped for another Newdoria and a Magician of Faith...

The Dark Ruler has been most pleased with Kozaky. Kozaky's dedication to the fiend order and creation of several devices of doom has granted him access to some of the Dark Ruler's deepest secrets. As a result, Kozaky has created something that he hopes will inspire pride in his is master and fear in his enemies. Behold, the Giant Kozaky has been born and Kozaky has mustered all of his resources to make his master proud!

Primarily, this deck is going to disrupt and abuse my opponent's field position by a lot of Creature Swapping and nuking of Giant Kozaky to burn at my opponent. Of course I need to protect myself against the Giank Kozaky burn, so Barrell Behind the door is handy for this. Book of Moon is a nice dual purpose, as I can Moon my Kozaky to nuke the Giant, or Moon my own Giant when he looks as if he's going down.

I do want to keep Giant Kozaky as a beatdown potential, so the Heart of Clear Water is nice for protection. The Slate Warrior and Necrofears will also make for some nice late beatdown/control when needed.

I wanted to add a Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button, but I'm starting to get high on traps as is. I might be able to throw it in if I get rid of the IMT.

Deck Name: FienDillie-O: Kozaky the Triumphant
Count: 42

Monsters: 17

Dark Necrofear
Great Maju Garzett
Lava Golem

Giant Kozaky
Giant Kozaky
Giant Kozaky
Goblin King
Goblin King
Magician of Faith
Slate Warrior
Wall of Illusion

Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Creature Swap
Creature Swap
Giant Trunade
Heart of Clear Water
Heart of Clear Water
Lightning Vortex
Mystical Space Typhoon
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Shien's Spy
Shien's Spy
Swords of Revealing Light
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
The Shallow Grave
Tribute to The Doomed

Barrel Behind the Door
Barrel Behind the Door
Ring of Destruction
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Solemn Judgment
Ultimate Offering

Here are a few combos initially in mind. I'm sure there are more, but my mind is a little numb at the moment 8^D

Set Giant Kozaky + SORL/Ceasefire = Nuke
Kozaky & Giant Kozaky + Shien's Spy + Book of Moon = Nuke
Giant Kozaky + Barrel = Nuke
Giant Kozaky + Ring of Destruction + Barrel = Double Nuke
Kozaky + Swapped Giant Kozaky + Newdoria Suicide = Nuke

...Thinking a bit more...I need to work a Last Will / Puppet Magic / Ultimate Offering somewhere in here to get the dual summonings out. Kozaky by itself might be a clear giveaway to things or I'll just use the Giants as discard tributes for future revival. just dawned on me that a Ring / Barrel while Giant Kozay is on my opponents side of the field is a triple nuke! Once for Ring, then doubled for Barrel, and then Giant Kozaky's effect kicks in and hurts again!
figures you would make this deck :p

Take out a necrofear, 2 is a bit tough on the deck size, and you probably or shouldn't need it.

If want the discard for TttD, then use Dark Core.

If you are going to use fruits, try Big Eye instead, dunno how well the deck would take it, but if you fit UO in it then it could work.

On a side note, personally, I am tempted to fit metamorphsis and a hades in this deck...
Hey Judicator! Thanks for the feedback.

I'm actually probably going to scrap Fruits. It was more there for its namesake, but its not that helpful. I'm thinking a Solemn Judgement or some other kind of negator. I'm not sure about Dark Core. It doesn't actually destroy the monster, just remove it from the game. This won't trigger the damage effect that Giant Kozaky provides.

What do you think of replacing one Necrofear for Great Maju Garzett. It dawned on me, this makes for a 5000 beatstick REALLY fast. That gets rid of pretty close to anything in the game minus a Megamorph boost. On top of this. The Ring/Barrel combo becomes an OTK 8^D

Any other thoughts?
Dillie-O said:
Hey Judicator! Thanks for the feedback.

I'm actually probably going to scrap Fruits. It was more there for its namesake, but its not that helpful. I'm thinking a Solemn Judgement or some other kind of negator. I'm not sure about Dark Core. It doesn't actually destroy the monster, just remove it from the game. This won't trigger the damage effect that Giant Kozaky provides.

What do you think of replacing one Necrofear for Great Maju Garzett. It dawned on me, this makes for a 5000 beatstick REALLY fast. That gets rid of pretty close to anything in the game minus a Megamorph boost. On top of this. The Ring/Barrel combo becomes an OTK 8^D

Any other thoughts?

Book wrecks it, so if you are going for that otk, might want to add solemn judgement in.
I see where you are going with TttD but if you have to dish 3+, something to swap the giant or barrel/discard/TttD/etc., cards out to nuke(2500 isn't going to be much considering how many cards you are using) and it doesn't finish off the opponent, you lose period, unless your opponent played his/her hand very quickly which again I see no reason why they should against this deck.
This just occured to me, you could try MoPs or some kind of field control card to buy you more time and take out the Heart of Clear Waters for them. Personally, I would opt for MoPs since you can still take them out and wack with Giant if you need to, plus level limits and bind usually are dead weights against sideboards.
Intriguing indeed.... I'm going to give that a really good ponder. Thank ye kindly!!!

...anybody else? 8^D
Alrighty folks, the Spellcaster structure deck did WONDERS to this deck with a little gem called Mystic Box. That and some discussions with the lovely creature has kept me itching to update the deck again. Here is the latest build that is doing pretty well so far in initial testing:

Deck Name: FienDillie-O: Kozaky the Triumphant
Count: 41

Monsters: 17

Dark Necrofear
Great Maju Garzett
Lava Golem

Emissary of the Afterlife
Giant Kozaky x3
Goblin Elite Attack Force x2
Goblin King
Kozaky x2
Magician of Faith
Mystic Tomato
Slate Warrior
Wall of Illusion

Book of Moon
Creature Swap x2
Giant Trunade
Messenger of Peace x2
Mystic Box x3
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Swords of Revealing Light
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
The Shallow Grave
Tribute to The Doomed

Barrel Behind the Door x2
Magic Jammer
Raigeki Break
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Solemn Judgment
The Spell Absorbing Life
Ultimate Offering

The GEAFS give the deck a little more bite while i'm doing some mass searching/summoning of Kozaky to keep GK out on the field. Too bad Ring was banned a while back, but I make do. Like I mentioned before, Mystic Box helps this beyond compare! All thoughts/insights are always greatly appreciated.
Holy mother of fiends! Box DOES make this deck a frightening one... I took a look on the old version and thought that was fiendish... but this is just scary Oo

Very VERY nice!
Ahh good call. I'll have to take that into consideration again. Any other thoughts folks? Since we're on page 2 now, scroll down towards the bottom of page one for the deck update 8^D
Gahh.... I didn't realize you weren't done with this deck... for a while there, you hadn't updated it in so long, I just assumed you'd made other decks and were obsessed with those... I'm sorry, I stole your ideas and proxied them in... I'll stop now that you've gone back to it... sorry :(

<EDIT: I butted into Dillie-O's post, and he doesn't even realize it...>
When I originally built the deck, I had a Shift in there and you were right, it was too situational. However, I do like the potential of IMT it can also help when I need a heavy hitter to stay on the field. I'll ponder Book of Taiyou too, the spell lineup is pretty solid but there is always room for improvement. Thanks!