Fierce Fox Fire


New Member
Here's my little idea:

3x Fox Fire
3x UFO Turtle
3x Solar Flare Dragon
3x King Pyron
3x Volcanic Slicer
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Marshmallow (when it cames out)
3x Mecha Dog Maroon

3x Stumbling
3x Dark Room of Nightmare
2x Dark Door
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Twister

2x Damage Condenser
3x Backfire
2x Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell
2x Sakuretsu Armor

My idea is to use Fox Fire ability and thanks to Backfire + Dark Room give opponent enough damage to kill him. If he decide not to attack, I would then use Solars, Slicers and Pyrons (Shame his name don't begin with S) and kill him with them.

Stumbling is first line of defense - It puts Fox Fire in defense and disables my opponent ability to make quick attack.

I thought I would use Twister against Royal Decree/Skill Drain, but maybe it would be enough to side it and use something else.

Last thing is Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell - defense against mass removal of monsters and spells (Vortex and storm).

I think there is a lot to improve and hope someone will help.
Fox Fire can be used with Card of Safe Return effectively.

Consider side decking Dream Clown to be used with Stumbling
Way to go John!! That Card of Safe Return is great idea, that Twister will go and CoSR will be added :) That Dream Clown wouldn't go well with my strategy.
It would seem to me that Lava Golem belongs in this deck. It combos nicely with Darkroom of Nightmare, Foxfire / Dark Door will guard against Lava Golem's attack.

Out of curiosity though, why Stumbling and The Dark Door in this deck rather than Level Limit Area-B and Messenger of Peace?
I suppose it's because I don't have much experience with stall/burn deck, but I didn't want my opponent to be unable to attack, otherwise Backfire would be mostly useless. I want him to attack and suffer damage from Backfire and it is mostly working, with Dark Door my opponent cannot push direct attack through so my LP are safe and he has to destroy Solars, Slicer etc, so Backfire can do its job.

I was testing this deck yesterday. I was ok, until my friend (who was playing rock deck) droped Guardian Sphinx on the field. Then he changed his deck from rock to Cyberdark and I was ok until he dropped Blowback dragon. Without anything to kill these I was like sitting ... fox :) So I thing I will do these changes:

3x Fox Fire
3x UFO Turtle
3x Solar Flare Dragon
2x(-1x) King Pyron (I'm thinking about getting rid of them, definitely dead card on the hand and I could put that Lava Golem in his place)
3x Volcanic Slicer
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Marshmallow
2x(-1x) Mecha Dog Maroon

2x(-1x) Stumbling
3x Dark Room of Nightmare
3x(+1x) Dark Door
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
-2x Twister
+2x Card of Safe Return

2x Damage Condenser
3x Backfire
3x(+1x) Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell
-2x Sakuretsu Armor
+3x Karma Cut