I ran this at an SJC back in February (2 ban lists ago) wihtout playtesting it and well, even though I finished 5-4 with it, I was 4-1 at one point with it and even beat our current top ranked player in the state (who repeatedly tops at Regionals). I'll post it as is with some suggestions for changes:
42 Cards
18 Monsters
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
Chaos Sorcerer
Cyber Jar
Exiled Force
Magician of Faith
Morphing Jar
Mystic Tomato
Nimble Momonga (3)
Roulette Barrel
Skull-Mark Ladybug
Spirit Reaper (2)
Winged Kuriboh
18 Spells
Card Destruction
Dark Hole
Emergency Provisions
Final Countdown (3)
Giant Trunade
Heavy Storm
Level Limit - Area B
Messenger of Peace
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nightmare's Steelcage
Pot of Avarice (2)
Swords of Revealing Light
6 Traps
Dark Deal
Divine Wrath
Gravity Bind
Pyro Clock of Destiny
Solemn Judgment
Spell Shield Type-8
Now, the obvious changes: Take out Chaos Sorcerer, 1 Spirit Reaper, Cyber Jar, Dark Hole, 1 Pot of Avarice, and Metamorphosis (which was there for Thousand-Eyes Restrict).
Some things to consider adding: Another Divine Wrath. Chain Disappearance is good for the Mystic Swordsman LV2s that you will see. (Divine Wrath will work against them too). Torrential Tribute for Dark Hole, Graceful Charity for the other Pot of Avarice. Also, Bountiful Artemis would be good since you will have decent counter traps in there (take out Broww and Dark Deal for another Spell Shield or Magic Drain to take advantage of the Counter Trap). The 1 Pyro Clock of Destiny is good if you get it off since then you will win on your turn and deny your opponent that last chance to get at you. Anything more though is pointless since unless you get it off 3 times, he'll still have the same number of chances at you.
Just some things to consider.