First (unconfirmed) banlist 01/09/'07

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New Member

Limiter Removal
Morphing Jar
Treeborn Frog
Ring of Destruction
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout

RESTRICTED (1 copy only)

Brain Control
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Card Trooper
Thousand-eyes Restrict
Time Seal
Trap Dustshoot
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Reinforcement of the Army

SEMI-RESTRICTED (2 copies only)

Book of Moon
Creature Swap
D.D. Warrior Lady
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Deck Devastation Virus
Manticore of Darkness
Reckless Greed
Swords of Revealing Light
D.D. Assailant

Well omg:) , isn't this just dandy:D ? First things first:
Monarchs: pretty much scr***d:D
Dark World: Has to endure yet another punch in the face with loss of MJ ,not that it really deserved it)

Basically if this banlist is consistent to the one we'll be getting, it'll be alot harder to go for a basic control deck, since BC is down to 1 copy and Treeborn is well..banned. On the other hand this will allow duelists to be creative once again. With the Monarch threat seriously diminishing we'll probably see some new creations. No doubt water control will be a part of that. Furthermore, seeing as Swords is going up to 2 copies, we just might see some old-fashioned stall-burn decks. Though the loss of Ring somewhat compensates for that. Personally, I feel quite safe to go and take an Alien deck to next tourney (after confirmation of this list of course). Also, D-heroes might take center stage since they've been untouched. Machine Beatdown on the other hand suffers quite a blow due to the restriction of Card Trooper. Gadgets though we'll be seeing lots play again due to these changes. It'll be interesting to see how duelists will deal with this banlist. Overall view: Control will become more difficult and Aggro won't be seen in many decks anymore.
Any thoughts?
P.S.: They brought Breaker back!!:nod_no :D
I hope snatch isn't banned. I love it for my simochi deck. : (

This IS the advanced formant board, but are ya sure this topic goes here? Maybe I dunno. I'm just a noob. ^_~

It'd be nice to see treeborn banned. Sorry to whoever uses it, but it's just used too much.
Oh I am so sick of seeing this list on every single forum.

a) It is a fake.

b) For everyone who said it was in WC07 for the DS, no it's not. The only 2 "ban" lists you can download in this game are the March 07 list and the World Championship list (what they used for their tournament).

Plus a little common sense here. Tribe-Infecting Virus? Playable? Considering how annoying Snipe Hunter is, will we really see something back that can kill all theme decks? No. Not to mention for everyone who thinks Monarchs are all that hurt by this let's see. Instant Fusion for TER, suck opponent's monster, sack for Monarch. Heck, most people run Confiscation, so noone will be scared of Instant Fusion and now you have a rebornable TER. Can't see it folks.
Actually this list wasn't copied from any YGH game, this came through from teammembers from a friend of mine who have proven themselves trustworthy time and time again. Besides they've been crazy enough to bring snatch steal back while Raiza was released ( more support for more monarchs) so I don't think it would be all that weird to see Tribe-infecting returning. By now it should be obvious that the aim of each banlist is to somewhat cancel out certain decktypes in order to create a window of oppurtunity for duelists to be creative and come up with new clever and powerful decktypes (I'm thinking DDT, Demise OTK, T-decks, etc.). These decks come up quickly and can turn the meta around. That's where the banlist comes in, to creat variety. That's what separates the Advanced Format from the Traditional Format (no offense don't take this the wrong way, just personal view). So geez don't overreact, if you're seeing this on more forums...tough luck! Don't get all uptight about it.
Oh boy, you heard it from a friend of a friend who's oh so reliable. *cough*.

Considering this has been floating around since last month and Konami of Japan never releases anything this early much less UDE and the sited source is that it's from the WC07 game (which it isn't since I have the game and Wi-Fi access and it's just not there), and there are always at least 2 fake ban lists "released" before the real ones come around, can we please at least be the 1 forum out there that's not spreading these fake rumors?

Thank you.
Honestly, I Hope this is true. I have been plkaying since Yu-Gi-Oh came out in the USA, but I have been playing in tournaments for little over 1 1/2 yaers. I wouldn't mind playing Tribe-Infecting Virus. Besides there are plenty of other deck strategies to play. Like Crystal Beasts and Exodia. It would be a very interesting Bann List for a while.
densetsu_x said:
can we please at least be the 1 forum out there that's not spreading these fake rumors?

Thank you.
You forget that there are overzealous people who want to be the "first one" to find the new Ban List, so they can take credit for informing a Yugioh Community. What makes me even more upset is the fact that they don't even take the time to READ the dates in most instances, and end up getting LAST YEARS Ban List. I mean, does anyone REALLY think Victory Dragon is coming off the Ban List....?
masterwoo0 said:
You forget that there are overzealous people who want to be the "first one" to find the new Ban List, so they can take credit for informing a Yugioh Community. What makes me even more upset is the fact that they don't even take the time to READ the dates in most instances, and end up getting LAST YEARS Ban List. I mean, does anyone REALLY think Victory Dragon is coming off the Ban List....?

Victory Dragon isn't even mentioned in here anywhere.

Personally this is one of those threads that in my humble opinion should be closed since there's nothing informative nor constructive that can come of this, but I will leave that up to the judgment of those wiser than myself.
i'm sure that what ever happens in the way of what comes of the banned section will most likely go striaght back to being banned by the following release of the ban list.
You know, if 'certain' ..cough.. people are only posting replies just to complain how this list is a fake and how they hate seeing it everywhere and such, don't reply at all. This thread is only ment to inform other duelists and to find out how they feel about the upcoming changes. Besides, even if it is a fake or not, these lists are always somewhat correct as was the case with previous banlists. It may very well be true that some cards won't come back at all, but at this point you can't say anything for sure. So if someone is having problems with the fact that they're seeing this all around, get over it. Don't make such a big deal out of it, because that's rather childish in my view. Let's just keep this a friendly thread for everyone.
Vanguard, you've made a good point, but in doing so only shown why this thread should be closed. It is meant to inform, but being unconfirmed, it instead becomes misleading. All it takes is a casual reader to come by and see this, pass this on to a few friends, who then pass it on to a few friends, and so on. Next thing you know, people are saying this is the confirmed list because they saw it on a forum, or heard it from a friend who knows.

Until we have something official, this topic is closed for discussion. Now I'm not saying we can't discuss what should be, might be, or likely will be on the next list, but let's keep it to an open discussion and not to a "this is the next list... deal with it" type of thread.

I'm not saying I'm smarter than d_x but....... ;)
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