For anyone who has bought a box of boosters...

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Hi! I might buy a box of Soul of the duelist, but this is my question:

How many ultrare/secret rare/rare cards are possible in one box?

I'm getting bored of common cards on boosters.:mad:

Thanks, and I really need your help.
Well, for the older booster sets, you were lucky to get 1 Secret card out of the box.

With the newer booster boxes SOD, RDS, FET, TLM...the ones that come with the Ultimate Rares, you 'usually' (I use the term loosely) get 2 Ultimate Rares, 2-3 Ultras, and 2-3 Supers. The 'average' number of Supers and above that I've seen and experienced is 7 total, but again, every box is completely different and random.

Hope this helps.

[edit]This info is based on the 24 count booster boxes.
For every 24 packs, there is ONE ultra, 2 Ultimates and 4 supers.

Statistically speaking, if the packs were completely random your chances of getting at least one ultra Rare are only 64%. (Though sometimes in that 64% you would pull 2)

But keep in mind that your odds of getting the cards you really want are really low: Per pack: 1 in 132 for a hobby Ultimate Rare, 1 in 96 for an ultra rare, 1 in 42 for a super rare.

Its the Common Cards and normal Rare cards that you are to be considered when buying packs.

Do you want 3-4 copies of every common card? Or will 2 be enough.

I have found that 15 packs will get you at least 2 of every common. It should also get you the small majority of Normal Rare cards.

So in short if you can find a shop that offers bulk deals, you should be better of buying packs. (e.g. my local shop gives you 5$ off when you buy packs 5 at a time.)
You can determine the number of rares in a box in accordance with the ratios listed on the back of the pack.

Common 8:1
Rare 1:1 (any rare card, but usually consist of foiled cards with holofoil picture unlike that of Super and Ultra Rares)
Super Rare 1:6
Ultra Rare 1:12

In hobby boxes (standard)
Contain 24 Packs
2 Ultra Rares
4 Super Rares
18 Foiled Rares (or Rares)-may be combination of Rares and Ultimate Rares

In retail boxes (36 packs)-sometimes bought by major retailers like Toys'R Us etc..
Contain 36 Packs
3 Ultra Rares
6 Super Rares
27 Rares (mostly Foiled Rares, but some Ultimates are possible)

The problem with getting retail boxes is that you may get multiple copies of the same Holofoil cards like what happened to me when I bought LON box

Blister Boxes (hold twenty packs of blister packs)
Note: Blister Packs are different from the booster packs, since they have a plastic covering surrounding the pack to keep it protected, more retailers like Toys' R Us are buying these packs since it is cheaper and easier to protect from stealing)

-Rarely sold on Ebay or anywhere else (much cheaper than booster boxes)
Contain 20 Packs
1 Ultra Rare
3 Super Rares
16 Rares

The Soul of the Duelist boxes and other sets printed afterwords are from the Duel Monsters 4th series. Since there are 60 cards in each set, it should make it easier to get the cards you need.
Then I must be uber lucky cause I've gotten a minimum of 2 Ultras in every box from SOD, RDS, FET and TLM. kewl.
That is just because of mispacking. I know some people who (and yes, I mean this has happened more than once to people I know, lucky b&*$s) have pulled 2 yatas from one LON...uh I mean LOD hobby box, and in one instance, 2 yatas from one pack!

Edit: When I say mispacking I mean the 2 in a pack. The other is just because it is a random occurence that boxes will get 'stuffed' with great cards. You won't know what is in a box until you buy it. You could get really lucky or you could pull complete junk from every pack. It goes both ways.
I'll be they were surprised to pull "Yata"s from and LON booster box, considering it came in;)...:p.

But that's awesome!

I'm not THAT lucky..:(
I wan't to buy horus but do I get him straight away or by the booster box with him in. Did you all get cards you needed when you got youre boxes?
they stoped the 36 since AST, according to what a friend of mine said, he said that might started since IOC, but not positive for sure AST
Fuzzman said:
I wan't to buy horus but do I get him straight away or by the booster box with him in. Did you all get cards you needed when you got youre boxes?

Your chances of getting "Horus Lv 8" in a Hobby Box of SOD are only 35.322% (22.222% for the ultra rare, 16.682% for the ultimate rare [numbers don't add up because there is a chance of pulling both in the same box])

2 Boxes only 58.168 %

You're better off buying the Card itself.
Fuzzman said:
I wan't to buy horus but do I get him straight away or by the booster box with him in. Did you all get cards you needed when you got youre boxes?
I'm gonna agree with DaGuy on this one, you are definitely better off buying the specific card you are looking;).

I collect as well as play, so buying a box when a set 1st comes out is the fastest way for me to get as many of the cards from the set as possible before trading for the rest, or buying the last few needed.

Also, depending on how much trading you do, or how much the specific card costs, sometimes it's better to go ahead and spend $40+ on a booster box because you may not get what you're looking for, but you may get something that's good trading fodder for your area. In that case, you can trade for the card your looking for.

That's what works for me!
skey23 said:
I'm gonna agree with DaGuy on this one, you are definitely better off buying the specific card you are looking;).

I collect as well as play, so buying a box when a set 1st comes out is the fastest way for me to get as many of the cards from the set as possible before trading for the rest, or buying the last few needed.

Also, depending on how much trading you do, or how much the specific card costs, sometimes it's better to go ahead and spend $40+ on a booster box because you may not get what you're looking for, but you may get something that's good trading fodder for your area. In that case, you can trade for the card your looking for.

That's what works for me!

But maybe he is as lucky as I am...

In most of the boxes I get at least 1 of the cards I want...

I bought a SOD box for about 40 dollars and I got:
1 Penumbral Soldier Lady
1 Mystic Swordsman LV4
That's right, a super and an ultra

1 Horus Lv8

1 Mobius
1 Penumbral
1 Hallowed
1 Ectoplasmer

I only wanted the 2 ultimates (especially the ultra ultimate), mobius and hallowed... I didn't want Horus, I already drew him 3 times before :(

I also bought 2 boxes on EBay and I got 1 secret from each box (Injection Fairy Lily and End of Anubis)

So, like I said... If you're usually very lucky when you buy boosters, go ahead and buy a box.

If you're not very lucky: just buy Horus loose :p
but its true, that if you are looking for a specific card and you know that card alone will cost you around 30 dollars, why not just buy the card alone?

you atleast save your self the money from buying a box, its what i debated with my friend not so long ago at the card shop we went to.

80 dollars for a FET box, but all he wanted was a phoenix, and i told him the odd of us pulling a phoenix arent too high, we might end up with a Naked gearfreed and another Lightning Vortext which we do not need because we already have and we also know itll be common. Then he said but what if we get a phoenix, I was like, Bro turn around and look at the shelf, you might as well spend the 24 dollars for the phoenix and save your self the trouble.

in the end i did just that, i bought the phoenix on its own with out extra cards.

Unlike DB2 which i will buy a whole box because i want to collect alot of the commons and so forth, for mini sets like SOD-CRV i wouldnt really go after much.

like if you have absolutly no cards from the set, its good to buy atleast a few packs or a box, because then you have a pool of commons and up that you can work with to make decks. after that, just look for the card you need and save your self some cash. :)
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
Your chances of getting "Horus Lv 8" in a Hobby Box of SOD are only 35.322% (22.222% for the ultra rare, 16.682% for the ultimate rare [numbers don't add up because there is a chance of pulling both in the same box])

2 Boxes only 58.168 %

You're better off buying the Card itself.

Wow...that makes my pull of a Horus Level 8 1/e in my first pack of SoD ever even more impressive.

But on topic I tend to get 2 Ultras per box, with 1 Ultimate.
This really just proves the randomness of the packs and the boxes.

When it first came out, I bought a box of FET and got 1 Ultimate (Granmarg) and only 2 Supers. I felt very screwed after spending the $70 or so, especially in comparison to some other boxes I've seen listed here.

So you see, it's all about luck really. I know I will probably never buy a box of the 60 card sets anymore, but I might get a box of DB2 simply because of the sheer number of cards.
As for Ultra Rares, there would be 2 instead of 1 due to the fact:

2*12=24-Two Ultra Rares
4*12=24-Six Ultra Rares

Basically, like it has been for all Yu-Gi-Oh packs about 1/4 of the box from the 24 count (which is the standard) will come with holo cards, but the remaining 18 will be foiled rare cards.

For short prints and Ultimate Rares there is no ratio for these cards. Many times the Secret Rares as well as the Ultimate Rares will often REPLACE a Rare, Super or Ultra Rare in a pack. Some short prints which are really good are well darn next to impossible to get.
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