For anyone who has bought a box of boosters...

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DarkMagicUser said:
Wow...that makes my pull of a Horus Level 8 1/e in my first pack of SoD ever even more impressive.

But on topic I tend to get 2 Ultras per box, with 1 Ultimate.

ANd it makes my pull of 2 horus lv 8 out of 3 boosters on 1 day even more impressive than your pull ;)

@ Cameron: I know what you mean...I needed about 100 MFC boosters before I got my first Cliff the Trap Remover and out of about 55 AST boosters, I haven't pulled even 1 Mokey Mokey :(
cameron2010 said:
As for Ultra Rares, there would be 2 instead of 1 due to the fact:

2*12=24-Two Ultra Rares
4*12=24-Six Ultra Rares
There is only ONE ultra for every 24 packs of the latest expansion sets.

there's something wrong with that last line.

But that math is an average, to actually calculate your odds of obtaining at least ONE desired cards is:
(X^n -[X-1]^n)/X^n {*100}
Where X is the reciprocal of the odds of getting it in one pack (e.g. if the odds are 1:24 then X= 24)
n= the number of packs.

I don't know the simple formula for a 3rd variable off-hand, but you could use the above formula multiple times to figure it out: e.g if you want it to happen twice you take:
(X^n -[X-1]^n)/X^n * (X^[n-1] -[X-1]^[n-1])/X^[n-1] {*100}

3 times:
(X^n -[X-1]^n)/X^n * (X^[n-1] -[X-1]^[n-1])/X^[n-1]
* (X^[n-2] -[X-1]^[n-2])/X^[n-2]

Many times the Secret Rares as well as the Ultimate Rares will often REPLACE a Rare, Super or Ultra Rare in a pack.
The secret/ultimate will NOT replace an Ultra Rare or Super Rare. The Ultra Rares and SUper Rares, are printed by a different machine than the other rares, and packaged by the machine that prints them. Secret rares, and Ultimate rares can only replace a normal rare.
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
The secret/ultimate will NOT replace an Ultra Rare or Super Rare. The Ultra Rares and SUper Rares, are printed by a different machine than the other rares, and packaged by the machine that prints them. Secret rares, and Ultimate rares can only replace a normal rare.

In my 24 pack AST box I got 1 secret, 2 ultras, 3 supers and 18 rares, so it isn't always that way that a secret replaces a normal rare ;)
Chillout1984 said:
In my 24 pack AST box I got 1 secret, 2 ultras, 3 supers and 18 rares, so it isn't always that way that a secret replaces a normal rare ;)

That doesn't mean anything. Getting one less super than average doesn't mean that the secret rare replaced the super rare.

If you pulled 1 secret 3 ultras and 2 supers, would you say that the ultra "replaced" the super rare. Or would you jsut say that you were lucky to get more ultra rares than expected.

Although the boxes are not completely random, they aren't fixed either. You may get 3 supers, you may get 4 you may get 5, it doesn't matter what else was in there.

EDIT: Besides, what makes you say it was the secret rare that replaced a super rare, why not say a normal rare replaced a super rare?
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
That doesn't mean anything. Getting one less super than average doesn't mean that the secret rare replaced the super rare.

If you pulled 1 secret 3 ultras and 2 supers, would you say that the ultra "replaced" the super rare. Or would you jsut say that you were lucky to get more ultra rares than expected.

Although the boxes are not completely random, they aren't fixed either. You may get 3 supers, you may get 4 you may get 5, it doesn't matter what else was in there.

EDIT: Besides, what makes you say it was the secret rare that replaced a super rare, why not say a normal rare replaced a super rare?

I say it, because in more than a half of the 24 pack-boxes there aren't any secret rares in them, so if there is one in them, it must replace something ;)

In all of the non-secret rare 24 pack boxes I bought there were 2 ultras, 4 supers and 18 normal rares.
Chillout1984 said:
I say it, because in more than a half of the 24 pack-boxes there aren't any secret rares in them, so if there is one in them, it must replace something ;)

In all of the non-secret rare 24 pack boxes I bought there were 2 ultras, 4 supers and 18 normal rares.

Wow, someone finally understands what I am saying. This is correct. Ultimates as well as the Secrets in the past can be replacement for Rares, Super Rares, and/or Ultra Rares. Since the Fourth Series of Yu-Gi-Oh the booster sets or expansions come with 60 cards in the set you should usually get the entire set. This is why Soul of the Duelist was voted the best of the packs thus far. The 60 card system pretty much allows you to get the bulk of the entire set, unlike the combined sets which contained over 100+ cards which made it hard to get the rare cards you wanted. This is why Mirror Force was so darn hard to get in the Metal Raiders.

For the earlier sets it would much harder to get the commons short prints and rare cards.
cameron2010 said:
The problem with getting retail boxes is that you may get multiple copies of the same Holofoil cards like what happened to me when I bought LON box

I bought an LOD Hobby and no Yata or Lily
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